Just a few pics of my latest completed build, the Billings African Queen.

Not an easy build. The instructions are a bit vague in places, often confusing. Not really for beginners. Luckily there were two builds on-line, with pics that sorted most of the confusion.

By the way, the boat has RC steering and motor control, and the steam engine does rotate by means of a geared motor buried inside the dummy engine housing.

The hull was glued to the deck using Gorilla clear glue and lots of clamping and taping to hold it while it dried. The steering is via tubing and fishing line linking the servo at the bow to the tiller. Not an easy job, and nerve-racking!

Still a bit of finishing to do. I sealed the paintwork and the weathering powders with a clear acrylic matt spray varnish. When the canopy is finally on, the flag hoisted, and the final accessories added, I'll post a final couple of pics.
Any questions on the build and finish are welcome. Even criticism! I finished the boat as close to the weathered tub in the film, bearing in mind the different finishes I have seen on other builds, which confused the issue a bit.

Whatever. I like it and it certainly is a conversation piece!

By the way it DOES float and sail. I tried it in my garden pond!

Thanks for looking. A great forum.
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Finally finished! Toolbox and gin bottle added!

20240501_151111.jpgOf course, these things are never quite finished. This will be the last ship model I will build. It was my dream to build her because I've always been a fan of Bogey and this film.

No more room for any more, and She Who Must be Obeyed has put her foot down!

Thank you for all your kind comments and good luck on all those builds. I'll be watching!

That issn incredible build, love all the detail.
The Admiral and I watched the African Queen movie last Sunday. What a great motion picture.

I thought about building this boat. If I do, I hope I can come close your beautiful model! Bravo
Thank you. It's a great kit but not easy due to the vague instructions and the lack of spare timber or metal. Be careful not to waste any! The glue I found great for the deck to hull fixing was Gorilla clear glue and plenty of clamps!

If I can do it, anyone can!