Devotional The Shipbuilders Devotional #8: The Doldrums.

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Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
If we have been in the hobby for long, or have any interest in ships of old, we are probably familiar with the term Doldrums. According to a quick google search, here is the definition:
This expression alludes to the maritime doldrums, a belt of calms and light winds north of the equator in which sailing ships were often becalmed. The effects of the Doldrums are caused by solar radiation from the sun, as sunlight beams down directly on area around the equator. This heating causes the air to warm and rise straight up rather than blow horizontally. The result is little or no wind, sometimes for weeks on end.

Humm...sounds a little bit how life can be. Now, I guess in some ways a doldrums of life could be either good or bad. A good kind would be a rest from stress, rest from word, or any kind of relaxation that puts us in a state of --kind of like -- nothingness for a while -- to recoup. However, another kind of doldrums of life could be bad. You feel stagnant in life -- not going anywhere -- everything you do turns sour -- no new direction.

All of us will at some point, fall within one of these two types. I have been there many times. So many times I felt like I was nowhere. But a long time ago, someone took a play of words and turned "nowhere" into "Now Here" -- just put a little space between the w and h. What do you do with your time if you are in the Now Here or NoWhere zone?

Good question as I even ask myself. So, what does this have to do with a devotional and ship modeling? Glad you asked, and now I have to arrive at an answer !!!

King David wrote most of the Psalms (in the Bible). Lets see what he had to say about being "any where". I think that most of us have at one time or another heard about "David and Goliath" - well that same David became the King of Israel (King David). As king, he had many ups and downs in his career as King.

One of my favorite passages to ponder on when I feel like I am getting nowhere in life or feel left out, and add many other things to that list is this verse:

Psalms 139:8
"If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,”
even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb."

This is such a powerful passage as it depicts God as a loving (being / creator ) that is always near and always present and never sleeps. If you feel like you are in a bad doldrums, take a chance one time. Ask God to guide you out of it. He will. It might not be instant, but He will. Give Him a chance.

All of us will at some point, fall within one of these two types. I have been there many times. So many times I felt like I was nowhere. But a long time ago, someone took a play of words and turned "nowhere" into "Now Here" -- just put a little space between the w and h. What do you do with your time if you are in the Now Here or NoWhere zone?

a long, long time ago before King David in the east the concept of be here now was well known by monks.

a wonderful teaching

be here.JPG
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