S.ma Trinidad Cross Section 1/90 - Ocio Creativo - by Piero

This kit is already shouting "Please bash me"
There are a lot of possibilities to make an interesting model
I saw that there is no build log dedicated to Cross Section Ships, can you think of opening one or is there no critical mass to activate it?
cross section are included in the "normal" areas, means kits or scratch - so you have started this log in the correct area. In moment there is also no need to split the sections from the "complete ships"
Hi Mates!

I decided to start the work on the S.ma Trinidad Cross Section just to change the state of my head from the work done on the YQ Bluenose (which remains, for the moment, in the shipyard waiting for new stimuli ...).

I started looking online for some build log of the model and this drawing of the historical section of the Holy Trinidad happened to me. Continuing to search, as suggested by Uwek, to see how the modeling world has approached this model, I found interesting ideas ....

So I started to modify the first frame by creating a "false frame" as per the drawing. Using wood scraps, I reproduced what is indicated in the historical drawing.

And here are the first photos on which I would like your advice and / or suggestions.


Looking interesting - with good ideas to batch this kit - > Thumbsup
Up to date

Finished installing the second deck where, differently from what is indicated in the instructions, I will build the part dedicated to the crew.

I have already made the table and today I have completed two "beds" for the rest of the sailors.
I'm also thinking of a small stove to cook meals .... We'll see.

Now some pics:


Your cross-section is starting to shape up VERY nicely, Piero! Love the hammocks! Thumbsup
Thanks Kurt for visiting my build!
Unfortunately the market only offers the main mast cross section .... It might be interesting to propose your request to the manufacturers !!
Well, if they can make a cross section, they can probably make the entire ship, given enough time and work. New kits take a lot of time and hard effort to plan, source materials for, and produce. There are so few wooden sailing ship kits out there in comparison with models in other genres because of this, and the demand is lower because the builders are a small group. Those of us who want a ship not available in a kit are still forced to scratch build.
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