Newbie Bounty build

Mar 13, 2019

Hi all, well here goes, after loads of encouragement from other members of this great site, I’ve made a start on my constructo HMS Bounty, if you haven’t read my introduction to myself I’ll give a quick run down on this build, my wife brought this kit for Christmas from eBay, unfortunately I’m missing the instruction booklet and page 1 of the plans, and I’ve never tried to build anything like this before, the only models I’ve built in the past were plastic cars when I was a kid, and to be honest I really haven’t got a clue about the terminology of boats and ships, but I’ll give my best shot, and if I get stuck hopefully someone will be able to come to my rescue.
This is days one progress8340402BEB80C-B6F0-492E-9C2A-5DEA6AEAFAD7.jpeg
I suggest you cantact constructo and tell them your problem. I am sure they can help.

And as Bill said there is a lot of people that are eager to help.


Hi, I’ve tried to contact constructo twice, once in English and the other time in spanish via google translate, both times constructo failed to reply to me for some reason.

As far as I can see, constructo is now a subsidiary of Juguetes Diset.

Try this link

Or browse the forum, maybe some modeller has built the Bounty and has the plans / instructions.

Ot yet go to Facebook, there are two groups related to our forum (ships of scale and ships of scale forum). Maybe some member can help you.

Or better yet, just write your doubts, if any, here. I am sure you will find help.


I find when starting a new build that the first step is the biggest and hardest. After that it's a series of trips and stumbles interspersed with pleasant ambles. Seriously, if I can do it you can do it. Steady as you go and plan ahead a couple of steps of where you are now - this has saved me making some very silly and obvious mistakes on my own builds. Good luck and keep us posted.
I find when starting a new build that the first step is the biggest and hardest. After that it's a series of trips and stumbles interspersed with pleasant ambles. Seriously, if I can do it you can do it. Steady as you go and plan ahead a couple of steps of where you are now - this has saved me making some very silly and obvious mistakes on my own builds. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanks Graham, I’ll give it my best shot, should be interesting, the last time I ever done any woodwork was when I still at school 30 odd years ago, and that didn’t work out too well then

As far as I can see, constructo is now a subsidiary of Juguetes Diset.

Try this link

Or browse the forum, maybe some modeller has built the Bounty and has the plans / instructions.

Ot yet go to Facebook, there are two groups related to our forum (ships of scale and ships of scale forum). Maybe some member can help you.

Or better yet, just write your doubts, if any, here. I am sure you will find help.


Thanks for the message, unfortunately that’s the form I used to contact constructo, can’t understand why they never replied
Well, their phone number is 34 93 336 74 62 (34 for Spain, 93 for Barcelona region), in case you want to give it a try.

And no, I am not Spaniard, just browsed their adress in the contacts. ;)


Crossing the fingers, that you will get the spars - we want to see this model growing :cool:
Hi guys, sorry haven’t been on here for a while, but I thought you would like an update on my woes, 3 or 4 weeks ago I contacted constructo in Spanish using google translate, trying to get them to send the instructions ,and I never had a reply or anything, whilst looking on eBay I found the same kit, which had been started, but it was complete with all instructions, so I brought it, now in the UK, we have this expression, “just like buses “ basically, you wait for ages then two buses turn up at the same time, well that’s what’s happened today, I received two parcels this morning, one containing the spare kit, and another parcel containing the instructions from constructo! But this means I have some idea of what goes where and how, no holding me back now