
  1. K

    Gorch Fock changed to "Eagle" US Coast Guard - OcCre in scale 1:90 [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Kilka dni temu rozpoczęło się leczenie Gorch Fock OcCre w skali 1:90 Oto pierwsze przymiarki do konstrukcji kadłuba: A few days ago, the Gorch Fock OcCre 1:90 scale treatment began Here are the first attempts at the hull structure: Jeszcze dużo pracy:)
  2. bdgiantman2

    Brig Eagle 1:48 scale

    Hello everyone! I have been encouraged to make a blog on here as well as the other site that I am on, so here is where things are right now. For this project I am using plans drawn by Bill Edgin (used with permission) and I will be making changes as I build this ship model. There have been a...