
  1. D

    HMS Victory - Occre #407/999

    I have started to view other individuals thoughts and progress on their HMS Victory Occre build and have gain considerable insight into different build ideas. I purchased my kit from Model Expo at a considerable discount as compared to having purchased through Occre. Kit arrived at my doorstep...
  2. savas

    Essex by Occre

    Hello, First time posting, second attempt at a wooden ship so please be kind. I really would love to get tips or advices. Anyway, so this is my second ship. I am building it from the kit as is, I do not do a research of it for historical accuracies, I just want to build it to look decent, to...
  3. Jimsky

    Kit review Video review of USS Missouri BB-63, Scale 1:200, Occre

    Good morning, folks. Earlier, I made the full kit review, which spanned three posts. While it is informative, I understand that it is a lot of reading, dah (!). For those who don't want to engage in all the kit review posts' reading, I created a 9-minute video preview. If you need a bit more...
  4. Jimsky

    Unboxing USS Missouri BB-63, Scale 1:200, by Occre

    USS Missouri BB-63 or Mighty Mo! Though dwarfed by much newer aircraft carriers, the size of the Missouri is no less impressive. Greetings folks! Today, I have the great pleasure of showing you a kit made by Occre (Spain) of a legendary Big Mo, an Iowa-class battleship that fought in WWII...
  5. martijnonderwater

    Santisima Trinidad Cross Section - OcCre

    I bought a partly finished cross section of the Santisima Trinidad. It looks like it's the kit by OcCre. I don't have any materials or plans, so I'm winging it :-) I'm starting by redoing the shrouds, finishing the masts, and placing canon. in the images below, the lower shrouds were done by...
  6. Robertk

    HMS Endurance build log

    This is the second installment of my Occre Endurance. I finished the planking, then applied a coat of Watco oil and air brushed the hull with Tamiya semi-gloss black. The white is also Tamiya. The stained pieces are dark walnut, not happy with the look. The white strips around the hull were...
  7. Crypton

    HMS Victory Occre 225 - build log

    After finishing my previous build, the xebec from ZHL models, I almost could not wait to start my new challenge. This time, I have chosen for the HMS Victory from Occre (number 225). Although, I have seen many discussions on this kit on it's lack of accuracy and 'better' alternatives, the main...
  8. Robertk

    HMS Endurance build log

    This is the first post of this log, although I have been working on it since May of this year, I will send a few pics to show the status and try to keep it going, once I figure out how to post. I am now in the planking process, this is the second Occre build for me, the Endeavour was the...
  9. The Ships Cat

    Endurance (1912) - Occre, Scale 1:70 - My First Shipbuilding Adventure

    Absolute day one of my relationship (no pun intended) with my new found passion for model ship building. I used corner brackets and clamps to keep square, and meticulously measured the height each side to within 0.5mm to try and minimize any possible future upsets
  10. E

    HMS Beagle 1:60 scale Occre by embojo

    I took the plunge and ordered my first ship model. Like many others on this site, I was attracted to this ship by its association with Darwin, and its career as a survey ship. I have been fascinated by the many build logs here and on Model Ship World. I'm attracted by the possibilities of...
  11. L

    HMS BOUNTY (OCCRE)..My second wood ship build.

    This is the HMS Bounty by Occre. I began this at the end of April 2023. There has been progress, though it's slowed since the sun began to shine a little more! I decided to not only take on the challenge of the build, but also adding lighting. Here are a few images so far.
  12. Zzyzx01

    Polaris (Occre) by Zzyzx01

    Hello. My name is Henry (aka Zzyzx01) and welcome to my build log of the Polaris by Occre. This is my first build log as well as my first attempt to build a plank-on-bulkhead (POB) model so bear with me on both accounts. Please note that I am not a fast builder as I have other obligations as I...
  13. Toni_S

    Albatros by Occre - 2nd Build

    Hello, everyone, I just finished building the Buccaneer by Occre and during the build I was really wishing that I had a plank bender. The 'soldering iron' kind. So I started googling around and didn't really want to spend the ~$40 the retailers want for it. I ended up on Ebay and noticed that...
  14. gene438

    Montanes by OcCre Build Log

    Coming off my first and very educational build of the HMS Beagle, I now begin my 2nd journey with another OcCre model, the HMS Montanes. A full description of the Montanes can be found here. I know many like to see the unboxing, but unfortunately, I did not take photos of the unboxing, but it...
  15. L

    HMS Terror...first build.

    This is my first ever wooden ship build. Been at working on this since late December 2023. I am now into the rigging, which is a great learning experience!
  16. Kenny G


    Hello Everyone, This is my first ever attempt at a Build Log, so please help and advise on what I should be posting. This is the initial unboxing of the kit by Occre I received it last year and unfortunately there had been an accident by the international shippers between Occre and the UK...
  17. sevish

    Montañés by Sevish - OcCre kit

    So no rest for the wicked, my next build will be The Montañés from OcCre. Will star a full build log here on Labor day May 1st. Some brief history of the Montañés (Wikipedia): Montañés (class) was a 74 gun third-rate Spanish ship of the line. Design was prepared by Julián Martín de Retamosa...
  18. bentderailer

    HMS Endurance (OcCre)

    This is my first build log that I will be sharing with others. I have just completed the Niagara built from a Model Shipways kit. Took just under 5 years as I navigated COVID and other interests that got in the way. As a novice, this was probably not the best kit to choose as my initiation into...
  19. G

    Endeavour by Occre build

    After waiting 7 weeks it kit finally arrived. I had a few hours to get started. The pics shows where i am to date. I went way “overboard” planking the lower deck which is only seen by looking down the main hatchway. I tried the way i will weather the remaining decks. Let me know what you think...
  20. mapoo

    Buccaneer by Occre - Second Build

    Hi, after finishing my Polaris yesterday I can't wait to build the Buccaneer. Let's see if I learned something in the first build. First step: Dry fit of the bulkheads and deck parts. Everything looks fine. Step A: Glueing the bulkheads to the false keel in a right angle with the help of...