
  1. Bill L-C

    Ulises - Occre by Bill C

    I am building Ulises by Occre. This is my first venture into ship modelling, although I have been building model railroads on various scales for more than half a century. I am up to the hull painting phase. So far so good and great fun gas been had. There appears to be lots of useful advice...
  2. paulv1958

    Occre Ulises Tug Boat

    The Ulises Tugboat is a kit tugboat made by Occre. It is based on a steam tug of the 1900's and is 1:30 in scale. The web site states 'The Ulises model was an ocean-going tug. During the sixties, maritime traffic was very intense, the coming and going of goods crossing seas and oceans around...
  3. paulv1958

    Ulises Steam Tugboat, by Occre Scale 1:30

    Coming soon.