18th Century shipboard chow

Jul 26, 2013

The Swedish MarinMuseum has a short, entertaining video about shipboard food up at:
Generally, they don't like it. There is another cookbook of shipboard treats in English:
Again, not the most enticing but major naval powers did a lot of research into how to keep sailors healthy. I still cringe when I think of British sailors drinking dilute sulfuric acid to combat scurvy. Close, but not a winner. I had always wondered how well water from a spring stored, and it was as bad as I expected. Decades ago I brought home some VERY mineral water from Saratoga Springs, New York and after a week or so each bottle had some weird, ropey structure floating in it. I had thought the minerals would have been a preservative.
Thanks for the post, very interesting. What did landsmen of the same financial status as a hand before the mast eat on a daily basis?
Here's the most succinct write up I could find in a quick search:
There are a few more links there as well. In short, folks on land had vegetables, grains, a lot more blessed fiber and a lot less meat. And most of it was fresh (except maybe the meat).