25% Discount

Sad to hear foreign shipping's no longer available. That's a huge satback.
In most cases I can get around that by sending the buyer an invoice (email me at lauckstreet@gmail.com and tell me what you want to buy). Once the invoice has been paid, I can make the files available to download from my Dropbox account. You don’t need your own Dropbox account to download the. Videos like the Lady Nelson are not available for download because the format of the disk is special and I can’t create it on Dropbox.

The problem is that the European Union wants businesses to collect the VAT taxes and my hosting company, GoDaddy does not provide a means to do that. But if I send you an invoice the only information you need to provide me is the products you want to buy. You can then use a credit card to pay the invoice and I don’t need your address to create the download link.

Hope that helps,

Unsolicited comment: anyone who wants to learn the details of model shipbuilding, from beginner kits through scratch building techniques, the Lauck Street Shipyard practicums are among the best. Worth the price. Bob Hunt has an easy to follow technique for modeling.
Unsolicited comment: anyone who wants to learn the details of model shipbuilding, from beginner kits through scratch building techniques, the Lauck Street Shipyard practicums are among the best. Worth the price. Bob Hunt has an easy to follow technique for modeling.

From what few Practicums and course guides I've read thus far, I have to agree with Jim that they are very well done. Bob's approach is from the a new modelers perspective as well as the seasoned modeler and this is so very helpful. His kit courses are very well thought out and detailed.
Unsolicited comment: anyone who wants to learn the details of model shipbuilding, from beginner kits through scratch building techniques, the Lauck Street Shipyard practicums are among the best. Worth the price. Bob Hunt has an easy to follow technique for modeling.
Thanks Jim and Alleghany. I appreciate the kind words.
