Brig Le FAVORI 1806 M1:55

Nov 8, 2018

Kuznetsovsk, Ukraine
Greetings , my dear Colleagues. I've decided to show my work on brig. I have been thinking on building this shipper quite some time.
I've found it on the web site ...... and wanted to have one. This is a sistership Le Cynge. I'm building it using the blueprints of the last one because they are practically twins. The scale is М 1: 55 , I've chosen this scale so the ship would fit in the apartment. Although I'm not completely sure that I would be able to build such a small one. I'm planning on using pear tree and painted hornbeam. I will use the excellent works of others Masters.
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Welcome back, Aleksander. We were waiting patiently for your new build log! It is a great ship to make a model from.
Hallo Alexander and welcome back to the active part of our forum.
I am also very happy to see your new model in a building log.

The link you mentioned was (for me) not working, so I just want to add here a link which was (for me) working:

The Le Cygne or her sistership Le Favori is a beautiful ship and highly interesting

Are you building the model based on the Jean Boudriot drawings?

For everybody interested here is the topic with the Planset Review I made some years ago - btw in the meantime also available in english language

I will follow your log with big interest .....
Interesting way of using a second (first) diagonal layer of planking
-> Do you make it for stability reasons, or do you get a better smooth surface as basis for the last final third layer?

Uwe it looks to me that Kortes is going to build the model "on the shell".
That is why he has second diagonal layer to give more strength to the shell.
I guess he will remove all frames, which were used just as a template to shape the hull... then empty shell will be reinforced by deck beams... perhaps some frames.

Very "friendly" way of building in my opinion. Some time ago I've made model this way...


Uwe it looks to me that Kortes is going to build the model "on the shell".
That is why he has second diagonal layer to give more strength to the shell.
I guess he will remove all frames, which were used just as a template to shape the hull... then empty shell will be reinforced by deck beams... perhaps some frames.

Very "friendly" way of building in my opinion. Some time ago I've made model this way...

Hallo Matt,
this was also my first thought, but looking at his earlier made (and beautiful) La Jacinthe we can see, that he is not removing the bulkheads, but directly laying the deckplanking - so there was a three layer planking POB-build.......
The diagonal planking is done to seal the hull as thoroughly as possible. When that second layer planking is smoothed out via sanding, it will present a beautifully smooth area on which to lay the final layer. This way you eliminate all dips and bumps in the hull. It is a very old and proven-method which is - on the one hand time consuming - but on the other, offers the perfect final-planking layer.