Brig Niagara Photographs for reference

Many Thanks for these beautiful photos of the Niagara - a really interesting vessel

and a real interesting history in addition

I do not know, which are the differences between the original ship launched in 1813
and the revised or rebuilt Niagara which was launched in 1913 based on the rests of the keel

April 1913

June 1913

another reconstruction of 1943
and another "new" Niagara launched in 1988, which seems to be the actual one

As part of celebrations for the centennial of the Battle of Lake Erie, Niagara was raised from Misery Bay in April 1913. Its keel was found to be in good enough condition for the brig to be rebuilt. Efforts to rebuild Niagara were hampered by the lack of original plans.[33] The restored Niagara was launched on 7 June, complete with a new bowsprit, rigging and reproduction cannons supplied by the Boston Navy Yard.[33][34] From mid-July to mid-September, Niagara was towed to various ports on the Great Lakes—including Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo and Cleveland—by USS Wolverine, the Navy's first iron-hulled warship.


According to Chapelle, very little of the original Niagara remained, as parts of it had been sold as souvenirs, and the 1913 reconstruction was not accurate to the period.[38] The hull of Niagara was launched in October 1943 without any masts, spars, or rigging.


In 1981, the Flagship Niagara League was formed with intent of reconstructing Niagara so that it would be a working ship, instead of an "outdoor museum piece".[40] The League was eventually incorporated as a non-profit organization associated with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Melbourne Smith, builder of the schooner Pride of Baltimore, was hired in 1986 by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission to head the reconstruction. The decay of Niagara was so bad that it was dismantled and ultimately destroyed, with various timbers salvaged and used in non-structural areas of the ship. The destruction of the old ship and use of new wood often leads Niagara to be considered a replica. While the first Niagara was built hurriedly, the new Niagara was built out of properly seasoned and preserved yellow pine and Douglas fir.[41] The new Niagara was launched on 10 September 1988, but was not completed until 18 July 1990 when its sea trials were held.[42] The Pennsylvania General Assembly designated Niagara as the official flagship of Pennsylvania on 29 April 1988 and described its purpose as being a "sailing ambassador for Pennsylvania".[43] In March 2008, the yellow pine mainmast was replaced with one of Douglas fir

I’m building her but having trouble with side of bulls eyes . 3/32 seem too small to hold lanyards and jib boom stays something is not right. I ordered bulls eyes from model expo either they seem to be either too small to too big. There’re a lot of lanyards like the ones on the plans so I don’t want to proceed till figure out the right size . Where can I order the right ones?
The build comeing along fine but I’m stuck here



