Bumpkins attach to???

May 6, 2020

Melrose, Scotland
My plans show the bumpkins to have two stays holding them down, but nothing else attaching to them, not even blocks for running rigging.
What should there be?
Thanks team!
G'day Jimmy, there should be a block lashed to the end of the bumpkin, the tack from the corner of the fore sail goes through this block and is then belayed some where on the front Forecastle rail,

The block on the end of the bumpkin on my HMS Investigator, no sails so the tack rope comes down from the Sheet,
Clue and tack block that would normally be attached to the corner of the sail, goes through the blocl on the end of the
bumpkin and belays to the timber head on the front rail,

Same again here, but the rope is tied off on the inside of the bulwark, this is my HMS Surprise,

hope this helps you,

best regards John,
That's cleared that up John thanks.
Now I have to start thinking how much running rigging I'm going to rig! I'm pretty sure I won't add sails, but need a final decision on that soon.