Caldercraft Victory

Nov 30, 2020

Lower Wye Valley, UK
Ahoy Fellow Shipmates, building Caldercraft's Victory. I have been studying the Hull Construction manual prior to starting the build, apart from preparing the false keel & bulkheads ready for assembly. I'm referring to page 4, photo 001:- The instructions say;"Remove a small section of the uppermost dummy barrel strip between bulkheads 9 & 10, to allow positioning of the entry port." The photo is not very clear in showing how much to remove. Would one of you guys, please give me a bit more detail as to how much.

Ahoy Fellow Shipmates, building Caldercraft's Victory. I have been studying the Hull Construction manual prior to starting the build, apart from preparing the false keel & bulkheads ready for assembly. I'm referring to page 4, photo 001:- The instructions say;"Remove a small section of the uppermost dummy barrel strip between bulkheads 9 & 10, to allow positioning of the entry port." The photo is not very clear in showing how much to remove. Would one of you guys, please give me a bit more detail as to how much.

Hallo Stuart,
I never build the Victory, but after some research I would say so:

Finally you have this entry port on both sides of the hull, an opening where you can look inside (somehow)

Screenshot 2024-08-05 124108.png

You have ro remove all false bulkheads inside which would not visible on the real ship

as I can recognize there is a false logintudinal bulkhead (red arrow) between all bulkhead frames (called uppermost dummy barrel strip) , maybe for taking over the false guns of the lower gundecks.
Where the green arro is, there is this backwall completely missing (also because there is no gun muzzle to be installed)......
If there is no problem with stability reasons, I would remove the complete dummy barrel strip between bulkheads #9 and #10 - like shown in the photo

Screenshot 2024-08-05 123644.png
Danke shoenn Uwe, that's how I looked at it, you can see what I meant as 'not very clear'. Considering it's an English kit, one would expect a better phrased instruction.
There's English & there's "English"!
