Cathead slots

Jul 10, 2021

Vancouver Island
I'm just about to cut the slots for the sheaves in the cathead of the Discovery1789. Steel calls for 3 slots on a Sloop of War but I noticed on the Swan series that there is only two slots. I've been kind of following the Swan builds because those ships are roughly the same size as the Discovery. So now I'm stuck between two and three slots. Two is definitely easier, both to cut the slots and make the sheaves so I will go with that unless someone comes up with a good reason why I shouldn't. :)
I'm supposing that the number of sheaves ultimately depends on the weight of the anchor but even knowing that it could conceivably have either 2 or 3 sheaves
For modeling purposes following the swan class you can go with two sheaves. But you are right about the weight and size of the anchor affecting the number of sheaves…three sheaves provide increased mechanical advantage for heavier bowers…three sheaves usually found on larger ships…