THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH !!!! For these images. They are very helpful and not available on line. At least at the sites I was able to find and access.

Here is where I am now. I did the barrell and the water bag. Plus I added a wooden crate. I finished the water pump area with a bench for the marine that has to pump water. Could be, that on this particular submarine design that water pump wasn't included.

The water bag and wood create aren't glued yet

Nekto1969. I will add to the model the details showed on the back of the crew members.

When I saw this picture, it came to my mind why I am not seen the "tiller metal bars" that moved the ruder left/right. I always thought that they have to go all the way inside. Unless there was another way to move the tiller metal bars.

Thank you all for the likes !!!
As i have time today, I continue adding details. The Oar internal side is finished. Not Glued yet, as I still have to built the exterior section. Added the pieces of wood on the floor , for the crew feets, that helps them to row. I used real leather on the Oar, the same i used for the water bag.


Very authentic-looking additions, young man. Displayed next to the original one, they will make two great showpieces.
Excellent, my friend - that interior is looking more and more authentic as we go along.
Excellent, my friend - that interior is looking more and more authentic as we go along.
Heinrich, with these images I will say that the interior is done. The paddle is the only thing that isn't glued yet.
Finished the details in the window. You can see outside the ballast weight support and the hole for the water leather bag. Plus the window has a rope to make it water tight. As the museum pictures.
Inside, below the window is the water leather bag and , if zoomed, the handle for the external ballast can be seen.
I added a bucket and the wood crate.

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Ps: I will try to add a metal ring around the external hole for the water bag. I just realized that I am missing it.
Hi All

Thank you for the likes !!! Not too much has been done. Nevertheless, here we go:

- The Iron ring around the water bag entrance was added. I used a washer for the visual trick. Added the bolts and the rope around it for water tightness.
- Added the iron handles
-Added the bolts all around the tower.

The wires at the tower, seen in the images, are there to keep the lid closed during construction. The fake lid locks are made of very thin brass. And if I keep bending them, they will brake.

