
Jan 8, 2024

My current build is a harbor tug. Included in the kit are cast metal tires that need to be painted. I would prefer to use more traditional rope fenders for both the hull sides and bow. Does anyone know where I might find pre-made rope fenders or possibly advice on how to make them myself?
Hi Marty
Have you watched any videos on making fenders? I found several after Googling "how to make a rope fender"
One example

Another is

You can also try to make them similarly to making a mouse used on a stay on old sailing ships. There may be some posts here and at other ship model websites on how to do this on a small scale.

My current build is a harbor tug. Included in the kit are cast metal tires that need to be painted. I would prefer to use more traditional rope fenders for both the hull sides and bow. Does anyone know where I might find pre-made rope fenders or possibly advice on how to make them myself?
This doesn’t help you with the rope fenders, but nauticurso in Brazil has lots of accessories including small rubber tires. Unfortunately I can’t find out how to order from them direct
My current build is a harbor tug. Included in the kit are cast metal tires that need to be painted. I would prefer to use more traditional rope fenders for both the hull sides and bow. Does anyone know where I might find pre-made rope fenders or possibly advice on how to make them myself?
Not sure of your scale but this guy made his own:

For your harbor tug build, replacing the cast metal tires with traditional rope fenders is a fantastic idea for a more authentic look. Marine fenders made from rope are commonly used on tugboats to provide effective protection for the hull and bow. You can find pre-made rope fenders from hobby suppliers specializing in ship modeling, or you could craft them yourself using thin cord or string to mimic the look of real marine rope. Braiding or knotting techniques, such as a monkey's fist or hitching, are commonly used to create fenders. There are many tutorials online, including videos and guides from ship modeling forums, that can walk you through the process step-by-step.
My current build is a harbor tug. Included in the kit are cast metal tires that need to be painted. I would prefer to use more traditional rope fenders for both the hull sides and bow. Does anyone know where I might find pre-made rope fenders or possibly advice on how to make them myself?
nauticurso (brazil) has nice rubber tires
I just typed 'model car tyres' into Evilbay. There are lots on offer in all sizes.

Before there were tires, there were logs and there was rope. The modeler must decide what type of fenders would be most appropriate to the model. Of course, many tugboats enjoyed long lives so they would have been fitted with a variety of gear. Some food for thought is presented in the pictures below:
  1. The Billy Murray with log fenders, which are just what the name implies. Holes are drilled for lanyards. Bow fender is of rope. Photo is from "On the Hawser" by Lang and Spectre.
  2. Drawing of the Taurus by Charles S. Fox for a Model Shipways kit. She is sporting log fenders.
  3. Drawing of Despatch No. 9 by L. Davinci for a Model Shipways kit. Fenders shown as logs with rope windings.
  4. The Roger Williams with rope on the bow and carefully constructed rope fenders on her topsides. Photo is from "On the Hawser."
  5. A page from "The Ashley Book of Knots" showing rope fenders.
  6. Photo of a RC model of a small tug (1:16 scale) with rope on the bow and tires on the topsides.
  7. Photo showing construction of the model bow fender. A piece of urethane foam was carved to shape, some cordage was added, and paint applied. The tire fenders were made of surgical tubing.
  8. Drawing of a 100' steam harbor tug from a kit by Bluejacket Shipcrafters. Construction of a woven rope bow fender is shown.
Fair winds!

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