Final belaying

Jul 10, 2021

Vancouver Island
When I've been running in the rigging I've been temporally belaying most of them. When is the best time to permanently belay them so it won't come back and bite me? I've pretty much done the standing and running rigging and I'm about to start the sail rigging. The ship looks like someone threw spaghetti at it at the moment and I thought this might be the time to permanently belay some stuff.
I use a python knot... Once it's tied in the right place, I soak it with a drop of liquid superglue. At the beginning of this video, the guy shows how to tie this knot.
An addition to the above. I know that rope belayed on a pin has the extra formed into a hank that is hung on the pin. What do you do with the excess when the rope is belayed on a horizontal cleat or a timberhead? Just coil it up and lay it on the deck?
I have no idea if the method in the following modern day video was used back in the day, but I can see how it should work at least with cleats just as well as with pins.

I looked at a number of photos of contemporary models but I am not 100% convinced they are all accurate as rigging was redone on a lot of these old models over the past few hundred years as lines rotted. I have seen at least one at Preble Hall where the ends of lines belayed to timberheads were just cut off which is not accurate. Hopefully some member will have some good contemporary based information for you.
