Fore yard brace belay

Jul 10, 2021

Vancouver Island
Both Lees and Petersson say that the fore yard brace belays on the outside sheave on the main bitts. Nice to have agreement:) but to me a big pulley is not a belaying point. Where does the rope go after it goes through the sheave? Just wrap around the cross beam?
Both Lees and Petersson say that the fore yard brace belays on the outside sheave on the main bitts. Nice to have agreement:) but to me a big pulley is not a belaying point. Where does the rope go after it goes through the sheave? Just wrap around the cross beam?
well if I follow the KISS principle, then the closest belaying pin to the shieve in question would be where I would belay the line. That's what I do, anyways.
Super that you are researching multiple sources!!! Are you speaking of Discovery 1789? Lees Masting and Rigging pages 175 and 177- Lees writes that the foreyard braces belayed at the bitts via the sheaves, he does not write that they belayed to the sheaves. Petersson does describe this with a small sketch on page 44 but it appears to be unfinished as the lines disappear into the sheaves but do not exit the other side. The sketch shows holes in the cross piece that I assume would be for belaying pins as Jack Sparrow wrote. Also keep in mind the Petersson book is based on a single ship model, HMS Melampus so it may or may not be reliable for other ships.
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Yes, this is the Discovery1789. I hadn't noticed the belaying pins on the bitts and mine aren't drilled. I'm going to have to remove the beams that the boats sit on to get room to drill the cross bar. I have the jeers halyard belayed on the end of the cross bar now so I'll have to move that. I'll have to drill out the sheave hole to that the jeers halyard. Fiddly but doable, thanks guys. Belaying stuff on the cross bar is going to be tough as the main hatch sits right in front of it and the crossbar is right close to the hatch. I remember thinking that the cross bar was awfully low but all my research said it was low.