I received from Gérard Delacroix (@G. DELACROIX ) the information, that the drawings of the plansets, published by himself, are now available in every requested scale as complement to the purchasing of the basic monograph.
Scale prints
It is now possible to order an additional set of plans at any desired scale from the monographs of which I am the publisher. Contact by MP.
Custom-scale prints complement the purchase of the basic monograph.
All scales are possible since they come from the source file. If you want L’Égyptienne at 1/34.88 or another wacky scale it is possible..
It need just the manufacturing time (a week at most).
This service is possible for the following drawing sets, published by Gérard:
Le Commerce de Marseille,
La Fleur de Lis,
La Machine à curer les ports,
Le Rochefort,
Most of them you can find already in Planset Reviews here in this section of our forum
So there will be no need to go to the copy-shop any more, if you want to build the Commerce in scale 1:22 - (only a new workshop )
No distorted copies any more, but all drawings and details exact in the correct scale and size
This is a great service for the customers - Many Thanks for this great idea
Scale prints
It is now possible to order an additional set of plans at any desired scale from the monographs of which I am the publisher. Contact by MP.
Custom-scale prints complement the purchase of the basic monograph.
All scales are possible since they come from the source file. If you want L’Égyptienne at 1/34.88 or another wacky scale it is possible..
It need just the manufacturing time (a week at most).
This service is possible for the following drawing sets, published by Gérard:
Le Commerce de Marseille,
La Fleur de Lis,
La Machine à curer les ports,
Le Rochefort,
Most of them you can find already in Planset Reviews here in this section of our forum
So there will be no need to go to the copy-shop any more, if you want to build the Commerce in scale 1:22 - (only a new workshop )
No distorted copies any more, but all drawings and details exact in the correct scale and size
This is a great service for the customers - Many Thanks for this great idea
Monographie d'une galere de 1690