Glueing copper plates.

Dec 8, 2019

Virginia Beach, VA.
I've had problems with glue holding copper plates to the hull of a cross section of Constitution. I tried white glue and CA but when I try to sand the edges smooth at the end of a row it will pop off an occasional plate. Now I have to try and scrape off the old glue before re-installing the plate to keep it from being to high compared the the surrounding plates. I would appreciate and suggestions. Thanks Charliecopper plates.jpg
About glue,if you cant stand CA glue(getting sick)what else to glue whith(gluing brass)
I haven't tried it yet but I think 2 part epoxy and sand the back of the plate first is the best way. I'll post an update next week after I try it. My plates are on order.
when the next batch of plate comes in
I do not think it is necessary using new copper plates. I would use old plates. I would clean them up off glue and dirt. I would reapply them with two part epoxy. I would make all surface of copper plates to look older applying some liver of sulfure over them - very little of it making sure I do not over do it.
I do not think it is necessary using new copper plates. I would use old plates. I would clean them up off glue and dirt. I would reapply them with two part epoxy. I would make all surface of copper plates to look older applying some liver of sulfure over them - very little of it making sure I do not over do it.
I tried some Jax chemicals on a test plate but didn't like the color, more black than the green I was looking for so went with the original copper color. Still fun experimenting with stuff.