Good Sam Showcase of Miniatures, San Jose - Oct 12, 13, 2013

May 23, 2013

Hi All,

Just a quick note for those in the SF Bay Area. This is particularly for those who have an interest or have a spouse with an interest in miniatures. There is an annual show in San Jose that takes place this weekend. It's called the Good Sam Showcase of Miniatures and it takes place at the Doubletree Hotel:

Doubletree Hotel
2050 Gateway Place
San Jose, CA 95110

The dates and times are:
Saturday, Oct 12, 10am - 5pm
Sunday, Oct 13, 11am - 4 pm

One member of the South Bay Model Shipwrights club has attended every year and had a couple models on display. But, it's getting hard for him to continue, so the South Bay club will have a small table and a few of us are displaying works there.

One member will have his collection of 1/350 scale (I think the are) scratch built resin models of 20th century navy ships, mostly auxiliaries those he's been on or commanded. I'm not sure what else will be on display, though I will have a "in progress" English 18th Century Longboat and my pilot boat Mary Taylor on display.

I volunteered to work our table on Sunday afternoon. So, stop by and say hello if you're around!
