Hello from British Columbia

Jan 24, 2021

Abbotsford, BC
After some 40 years from the last wood boat kit I built, decided it was time to do another one. Ordered a Billings St.Roch and after google looking for a review found this great forum and Anchorman's great build log on it. If anyone reading this happens to be in Abbotsford, BC and uses Mill lake, please let me know would love to see other boats and maybe build a RC one in the future.
also from my side a warm welcome here on board.
40 years of abstinence is a very long time, but we will try to assist you as much as possible.
Best way often, is to start also a building log, where you can show your work and status and we would be able to help and assist with comments and hints, when every necessary and requested.
Thank you for the big hello, first question is where do I find and fill out my profile.
check out the many help topics in home page, lots of video's and messages on how to do things.

A simple shortcut is to click on your name at top right of page and see what headers open up, there you can add/edit photo and add to signature info and location info if wanted.
After some 40 years from the last wood boat kit I built, decided it was time to do another one. Ordered a Billings St.Roch and after google looking for a review found this great forum and Anchorman's great build log on it. If anyone reading this happens to be in Abbotsford, BC and uses Mill lake, please let me know would love to see other boats and maybe build a RC one in the future.
Thanks James, shout out if you have any questions.