Hello from up north

Jun 29, 2024

Hi, my name is Roger Pellett. I live in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Duluth, the largest port on the Great Lakes is located at the extreme Western end of Lake Superior. In my younger and more agile years I enjoyed sailing in the Duluth harbor and racing offshore.

I have been building or I might say attempting to build models for most of my life. Except for a “yellow box” Model Shipways Harriett Lane built many years ago, all of my 10 models are scratch built. I attempt to build everything except chain and cordage. I am currently engaged in a long term project, a 1:96 scale model of the “canal sized” Lake Freighter Benjamin Noble, lost with all hands in 1914 while attempting to reach the Duluth harbor.

As a retirement project, I donated my Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering expertise to the SS Meteor project. Meteor is the sole survivor of the 44 famous Whaleback Ships that once sailed the Lakes. She sits in a landlocked berth at the edge of the harbor shared by Duluth and Superior, Wisconsin. 10 years researching the vessel’s history and construction resulted in a book authored by me and published by Wayne State University Press: Whaleback Ships and the American Steel Barge Company.

Hallo Roger,
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum