Help with parcelling the upper shroud lines

Oct 23, 2023

Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
I'm working on a 1/48 scale model and approaching the standing rigging phase. If I choose to proceed past worming the shrouds and decide to parcel ,before serving, can anyone suggest an appropriate parcelling material? I was thinking of trying some narrowly trimmed masking tape, but I'm uncertain how it will "bend" around the mast without "wrinkling" under the serving. Suggestions or opinions welcome!
I agree with YT. At our scales it seems like it would be a waste of effort as it will be covered with the serving. You will be in great company if you forget the parceling but if you really want to go all out, try silk span as the thinnest type will work well. Just wet it with matte medium then wrap it and trim as needed. Using tape would be like using cloth for unfurled model sails on scales of 1:48 and smaller which are too thick, thus out of scale and totally unrealistic looking.
Maybe you check the way Johann alias @archjofo solved this

Thank you all for the great suggestions. Thanks for the link Uwe. Johann's work is truly impressive and gives me inspiration. I may have to take up metal casting for hooks and fittings. I checked out Pepetools, but that would be a totally different hobby with high start-up costs. I will plan to worm (where necessary) and serve only. Parcelling appears unnecessary after looking at Johann's model.
Like so many things in modeling, it depends. One approach to modeling ships is to recreate, as much as feasible, the techniques of full-size ship building and rigging. In this case, the larger the scale, the more is feasible. The process of building, including learning about actual full-size techniques, is paramount. Another approach is to build a model that looks authentic and portrays the spirit of the vessel no matter the scale. In this case, the process is unimportant and the guiding principle is appearance. Of course there are other approaches and each builder gets to decide their path. It's all fun!
Going back to your original question I would try 3 different approaches. I) Tamyia masking tape when comes in narrow rolls and very flexible 2) narrow pin striping tape with the same properties. 3) electricians tape which also stretches and would not "wrinkle".