Hi from Spain

Mar 27, 2022
Hi all From Spain

My Name is Ernest

I have recently finished the Corsair brigantine from ocree.
Highlight that it has been my first boat and the trip has been very fun.
So I'm going to continue making ships and learning from your advice and experience.

a pleasure to meet you

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WhatsApp Image 2022-04-18 at 3.07.15 PM (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-18 at 3.07.15 PM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-18 at 3.07.15 PM.jpeg
Hallo Ernesto
first of all a warm welcome here on board of our forum
Your first model is really well done - Congratulations
seems that your Corsair was captured by the spanish navy........ ;)
are you already working actual on a new project?
Thanks Uwe. rather it was the Spanish navy who rescued the brigantine from the pirates :)

First, I'm going to get rid of this little boat that I got offered on aliexpress (5 weeks) and improve my technique.

Then I am going to build from plans a Roman bireme from Amati plans and add a corvus (assault gangway) in the bow


Hola Ernest.
I joined this forum a few weeks after you and am also nearing the end of my first project.
I am keen to start another kit soon in the hope that I can apply the experience of doing it all wrong the first time and this time make it a lot better.
I also live in Spain (but am British) and would be interested to know where you source materials and tools. I bought my first kit in Barcelona but that is a 2 hour drive from my home. I am located on the east coast in the north of the Comunidad València.
Love your Corsair, I wish my first project looked that good.
Welcome aboard! Beautiful work on the Corsair. Looks like you have your future work well in hand.
Hola Ernest.
I joined this forum a few weeks after you and am also nearing the end of my first project.
I am keen to start another kit soon in the hope that I can apply the experience of doing it all wrong the first time and this time make it a lot better.
I also live in Spain (but am British) and would be interested to know where you source materials and tools. I bought my first kit in Barcelona but that is a 2 hour drive from my home. I am located on the east coast in the north of the Comunidad València.
Love your Corsair, I wish my first project looked that good.
Hi Barcomad,
Thanks for your comments and also to the rest of the forum members.
I live in Madrid and I have mainly provided myself with online commerce. But if you need guides or suggestions about materials, I have written a MP with an internet address where I have extracted many information and suggestions about tools and materials.
Any doubt or question, do not hesitate to ask me

I take this opportunity to attach a making-off of the Corsair Bergantin. I hope you like it.


Thanks for the reply.
I have found a shop in Castellón that looks promising, that is only a hour away and we often go there for things we cannot buy locally.
I can't open the corsair file for the moment, I'll try on another device later.
Now doing the research that I should have done before I started the Candelaria.
Hi all From Spain

My Name is Ernest

I have recently finished the Corsair brigantine from ocree.
Highlight that it has been my first boat and the trip has been very fun.
So I'm going to continue making ships and learning from your advice and experience.

a pleasure to meet you
Hallo Ernest alias @Erloba
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY