HMS Kingfisher/ King's Fisher - Tedboat [COMPLETED BUILD]

Ah, me miserum!
My concern about the sharpness of the photos has been borne out - there is a fault in the electronics of the camera :(:(:(
The body is a sixteen year old Canon 20D, and there are now no spares available, so it is just a lump of junk. Have had to shell out over £1100 to get a 90D body. Nice camera and very sharp; I hadn't realised how much the old one had deteriorated!
The real downer is that the money has had to come out of the modelling budget, so no new kits for a long time! (Perhaps a good thing, as SABLE rears it's ugly head!)
Will post a few new pics shortly
Hi Stuglo,
Thanks for your kind comment!
The answer to your query is difficult, in that it depends to a large extent on A) Your experience, and B) Your patience.
A Swan class Plank-on-Frame model is a lot of work, and is complex. If your experience is towards the lower end, then it is possibly not for you, and one of the smaller models from Dave at the Lumberyard might be more appropriate.
In similar vein, a Swan class will take a lot of time, so if you are not patient you will either give up or rush the job.
As I said, I don't know your circumstances, so can only speak in general terms; please forgive me if you are already an experienced modeller!
Hope this helps!

I am, as they say nowadays,conflicted. I see your build is say 2500 hours. With age(71) + corona, I'm tempted to start soon to give me a chance of finishing. Do you make extensive use of TFFM of D. Antscherl? I also have the Greg Herbert 3D renderings, but skill and patient I don't know. Current built will last another couple of months, then I''l decide. Again, you set a high standard and my fingers itch!
Use of "real" cameras is a lost art now a days, with so many people using cameras in cell phones only.

I am a retired professional photographer, used to do weddings back in the days of film and negative printing for photos.

I had a simple Cannon DSLR camera can't remember the model, that got stolen from my truck in Feb. My wife surprised me with new Cannon DSLR kit that came with standard and zoom lens for our 40th anniversary in April! No I can take good photos now, just have to figure out how to do macro photos with new camera.

Hi Ted,
Very detailed tutorial, I like the idea of using Boxwood stringing though I have never heard of this 1mm x 1mm stuff before, you learn something every day. I have only ever made bamboo treenails, not that I have much experiance. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I am, as they say nowadays,conflicted. I see your build is say 2500 hours. With age(71) + corona, I'm tempted to start soon to give me a chance of finishing. Do you make extensive use of TFFM of D. Antscherl? I also have the Greg Herbert 3D renderings, but skill and patient I don't know. Current built will last another couple of months, then I''l decide. Again, you set a high standard and my fingers itch!
If you do not start and try to make it, you will never know - Just start and make it
Hi Ted,
Your workmanship is exemplary setting a very high standard, that people like me can aspire to.
Do you make your own parts for the clocks?
Hi Stephen, Thank you once again!
My clocks are all on the large size (school, grandfather, vienna, etc) so they tend to have parts I can actually see! Most work is in re-bushing, with occasional gear making if really pushed.
I've just started on the Victorian music box, and it's going to need a lot of work. But heigh-ho, we're in lock-down, so plenty of time.
Use of "real" cameras is a lost art now a days, with so many people using cameras in cell phones only.

I am a retired professional photographer, used to do weddings back in the days of film and negative printing for photos.

I had a simple Cannon DSLR camera can't remember the model, that got stolen from my truck in Feb. My wife surprised me with new Cannon DSLR kit that came with standard and zoom lens for our 40th anniversary in April! No I can take good photos now, just have to figure out how to do macro photos with new camera.

Hi Kurt,
I quite agree about the way photography has moved in recent years. Phone cameras are actually pretty advanced these days, but 99.99% of people seem to use them just to take 'snaps', and immediately forget about them. Having said that, I have met one or two people who do use them for 'serious' photography.
I'm an amateur and used to do a few weddings myself, but found clients wanted more and more in the way of 'special effects', which I didn't really want to get in to.
Enjoy the new camera! If you are serious about Macro, then look at Canon's Macro lenses. I have a 100mm 1:2.8 Macro, which is brilliant for nature photography.


Elephant hawk moth caterpillar (Very dull day, in a hurry, and no tripod! - but I still like the photo!)
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I am, as they say nowadays,conflicted. I see your build is say 2500 hours. With age(71) + corona, I'm tempted to start soon to give me a chance of finishing. Do you make extensive use of TFFM of D. Antscherl? I also have the Greg Herbert 3D renderings, but skill and patient I don't know. Current built will last another couple of months, then I''l decide. Again, you set a high standard and my fingers itch!
I am, as they say nowadays,conflicted. I see your build is say 2500 hours. With age(71) + corona, I'm tempted to start soon to give me a chance of finishing. Do you make extensive use of TFFM of D. Antscherl? I also have the Greg Herbert 3D renderings, but skill and patient I don't know. Current built will last another couple of months, then I''l decide. Again, you set a high standard and my fingers itch!
Hi Stuglo,
Uwe is quite right - make a start and see how you go on!
Yes, I made very extensive use of David's books, to the extent I would say they were vital to a good build. They are now looking very dog-eared. Never had Greg's 3D rendering - came out too late for me
All the best
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Hi Stuglo,
Uwe is quite right - make a start and see how you go on!
Yes, I made very extensive use of David's books, to the extent I would say they were vital to a good build. They are now looking very dog-eared. Never had Greg's 3D rendering - came out too late for me
All the best
Just ordered vol 2 TFFM so I am commited. Will need much support and help - but what are friends for!
Hi Kurt,
I quite agree about the way photography has moved in recent years. Phone cameras are actually pretty advanced these days, but 99.99% of people seem to use them just to take 'snaps', and immediately forget about them. Having said that, I have met one or two people who do use them for 'serious' photography.
I'm an amateur and used to do a few weddings myself, but found clients wanted more and more in the way of 'special effects', which I didn't really want to get in to.
Enjoy the new camera! If you are serious about Macro, then look at Canon's Macro lenses. I have a 100mm 1:2.8 Macro, which is brilliant for nature photography.


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Elephant hawk moth caterpillar (Very dull day, in a hurry, and no tripod! - but I still like the photo!)
Who was in a hurry, you or the caterpillar, doesn't look like him!.

I will check out the lens you suggested. Never have too many good lenses. Funny thing I was cleaning our my back room office closet the other day getting out shop vac buried in it, and located an old camera bag, it had my old Cannon 35mm film camera and two lens for the "manual focus" camera. I think I can still use them, just have to manually focus, which I am still capable of. Can't do much focusing with cell cameras.

Oh and I do like the photo, no real blur noticed and it don't look like the caterpillar minded either!

Hi Stuglo!

What will you use for materials??? If you use boxwood as the LSS model did, you may need to mortgage your home or sell your children to buy your lumber!
I have some cherry wood shelves and 6 planks of(?) I thought for decking, a slab of olive wood maybe for keel and some teak-like decking offcuts for something needing a dark contrast, leftovers from other ships including maple, swiss pear etc. Unfortunately, there is no Harlequin in the swan series, but maybe Vulture would be appropriate? The ruler in photo is 100cm

So many comments and likes! - I'm overcome!
Thanks to all for your encouragement - it is much appreciated.

I had serious doubts about my ability to paint the frieze, but thought I would give it a try, as I could always paint over it if it looked terrible.
I actually followed the directions given in David Anscherl's book on Swan class sloops, and started by taping a photocopy of the frieze shown in his book onto the hull just below the position of the actual frieze panel.
I then painted the panel with Admiralty Paints, Dark Blue. The basic shape of the frieze was then filled in with a mix of yellow and earth ochre following the pattern and my own imagination. Highlights were added using yellow ochre and a dash of white, and shadows were introduced using earth ochre with a dash of black. The overall idea is to give the frieze a sense of depth.
When painting the highlights and shadows, decide where the light is coming from and be consistent.

Tony; Sadly, Bob Hunt sold the rights to produce his kits to an outfit called Royal Shipyard of Plymouth some years ago. They were going to take over production of the kits, but it never happened, and they now seem to have disappeared off the web.:confused:

One thing to note - I have found that as the build nears it's end and I'm doing more of the fiddly bits, that the errors you have made earlier come back to haunt you. Consequently, you might find that the pieces in this or any other kit don't fit as well as you would like, and you have to start scratchbuilding in earnest.
This is not a reflection on the kit, which is brilliant, but all the headworks, most of the stern, and lots of other smaller parts have been scratchbuilt.

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Hello Ted, Just going over your build log again and I think that I want to build a true Swan Class ship like your Kingfisher. But at my age and limited ability these things would serenely be a huge challenge. I am still working on my Oliver Cromwell build that I find very challenging and also very rewarding at the same time. I believe that the Swan Class ships are much more refined than my present build, something to dream apon. Well done Ted, you have did an excellent job on your build and stand to be very proud of such a great feet.
Regards Lawrence
Hello Ted, Just going over your build log again and I think that I want to build a true Swan Class ship like your Kingfisher. But at my age and limited ability these things would serenely be a huge challenge. I am still working on my Oliver Cromwell build that I find very challenging and also very rewarding at the same time. I believe that the Swan Class ships are much more refined than my present build, something to dream apon. Well done Ted, you have did an excellent job on your build and stand to be very proud of such a great feet.
Regards Lawrence
Hi Lawrence,
Many thanks for the kind remarks!
A Swan class is a large investment in time, but well worth it.
If you do go down that route, I suggest you get hold of David Anscherl's and Greg Herbert's books from Admiralty Models
also their plans.
Hi Lawrence,
Many thanks for the kind remarks!
A Swan class is a large investment in time, but well worth it.
If you do go down that route, I suggest you get hold of David Anscherl's and Greg Herbert's books from Admiralty Models
also their plans.
Hello Ted, Yes I do realise that for sure, I do have the 2 Vol. of TFFM by Greg and David that has been a great help for me in my Oliver Cromwell build. It is the time table that concerns me, Oliver Cromwell has taken me over to years so far and at lest 6 months to go. A Swan would take me much longer.
Regards Lawrence
I would really reconsider this,are you really up to it,do you have any experience with Pof builds?if not maybe try a much more simple build or the Alert Pof kit