HMS Victory colour scheme

For my tuppence worth I'm doing a scratch build of Victory (or am when I get back to it) and when I started it was the old colours, not wanting to paint I sourced wood to a simular colour (ebony & pequia amarello) and I'm not changing it, its a matter of taste and how you see your particular build I think you can drive yourself crazy trying to get to how it is supposedly portrade. It would personally destroy for me what is my hobby. As a last note I just cant imagine going to war in a pink ship.

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For my tuppence worth I'm doing a scratch build of Victory (or am when I get back to it) and when I started it was the old colours, not wanting to paint I sourced wood to a simular colour (ebony & pequn't go wrong using the natural wood colouria amarello) and I'm not changing it, its a matter of taste and how you see your particular build I think you can drive yourself crazy trying to get to how it is supposedly portrade. It would personally destroy for me what is my hobby. As a last note I just cant imagine going to war in a pink ship.

You can't go wrong using the natural wood colour. For a yellow tone I use boxwood with a light oil finish. (In this day and age wars might be fought with pink camouflage??)