
Jan 9, 2013

I am in a thinking mood right now(THAT IS DANGEROUS) 2 things come to mind do not know if these ideas are possible the FIRST ONE IS THIS AND MAYBE WINSTON, ARTHUR< DAVE STEVENS can answer have been following the thread by UWE ( TODAY IN NAVAL HISTORY) many wonderful threads each day, IS THRE ANY WAY TO HAVE A PERMANAT REFERENCE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOADING maybe something on, NBM just wondering would be a great feature (DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS POSSIBLE)any ideas,,,,,,NEXT AS I AM BACK ON MY BLANFORD BUILD AND WAS DOING A HALF LAP JOINT FOR THE HATCHES have not done it this way before and was not to happy with miter results and the thought crossed my mind what if a seporate catogory aimed at novices and intermediate modelers, as a how to do simple things like half lap joints, miter joins, notches for carlings, ledges etc taking it from the basic procdures and advancing to using a mini-mill or mini lathes explaing pros and cons would requir a lot of time for a moderator(ANY VOLENTERS) just ideas would like to here coments pros and cons, JUST A THOUGHT, for improving the forum and atracting more people into the hobby. Don
I suggested something like your idea to have a section of quick reference subjects, blogs, and articles separate from the forum. That was actually one purpose for the NBM site a reference library. But as you can see it did not happen my guess there is no one who will do the work to create the reference library.

so the information is someplace in the forum you just have to take the time and search for it.

as far as those lap joints for hatch coamings the subject is covered in the link below, just search for it oh right you can't because search is only on this forum and even if you went to MSB and searched the odds of finding it is slim.
you may search for hours and hours and hours and never find the information in any forum. Winson knows it, I know it and you just realized it forums are very poor for finding information because it is fractured and scattered everywhere.

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You are so right Dave, and I have said it BEFORE AND SO HAVE YOU, BUT MUCH MORE DIPLOMATICALY THEN I, the NBM site is not doing what it is suposed to do at all, I go on there periodically but just a glance, it is A SHAME, another good idea washed down the drain, i was hopping that this being an international forum someone would help to create what is neccessary, but no go, I HAVE THE TIME ALL KINDS OF TIME, but unfortunaly not the expertise required Dave an IDEA JUST POPPED INTO MY HEAD(DANGEOUS) what would happen if we hired someone to create this THROUGH DONATIONS SET SPECIFICALY TO THIS ENDEVOUR ONLY, Dave in your opion to set up what is need do you have to be a ship builder or just a computer expert and this is why I am asking MY SON-IN-LAW has a CONSULTING BUISNESS SUPPLYING AIRLINES WITH COMPUTER SOFTWARE he has a number of INDIAN GRADUATES OF WITIHA STATE, they are realy fantastic people and very sharp as my son-in-law has told me all his employese are not knowlageble to the specfic industry BUT ALL ARE COMPUTER INTELAGENT, please think about these ideas i am not one to give up easly as you well know, and you have SAID IT MANY TIMES YOU JUST CAN NOT DEPEND ON VOLENTERS< LIFE GETS IN THE WAY, PLEASE LET ME HERE ABOUT THIS I DO THINK ONE OF THEM WOULD WANT TO DO SOME SIDE WORK. Don
we are all working here for the forum, and this for free.
And especially the topic "Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History"
you mentioned, is prepared by myself in appr. 1.000 hours work. And this for free. Others are building complete models in this time.
In appr. 2 weeks a complete calender year is finished and we are thinking about how to present it in this forum as a permanent documentation.
what would happen if we hired someone to create this THROUGH DONATIONS SET SPECIFICALY TO THIS ENDEVOUR ONLY, Dave in your opion to set up what is need do you have to be a ship builder or just a computer expert

the idea was to go through posts and snip out little bits of information and facts. to do this you need to know what is important and relevant to the hobby and you would have to know how to work with the software that the forum is created with. Then you need some sort of data base and all comments about "glue" would be put in one category then "planking" "historical facts" and on it goes.
to hire someone would be far to expensive that person would be constantly going through the forum editing and up dating the data base.
I have in the past looked into the idea to create information data bases from forums and concluded it is a massive job. on an average you can reduce the volume of a typical forum to less that 1/2 by editing out stuff like good job, I will watch your build, hey guess what song this is, nice job, good work etc. etc.
a forum is a social media and not a data base or library of information, at this point the best we can do is a "search and find" that is a hit and miss but to a point it does work.
we are all working here for the forum, and this for free.
And especially the topic "Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History"
you mentioned, is prepared by myself in appr. 1.000 hours work. And this for free. Others are building complete models in this time.
In appr. 2 weeks a complete calender year is finished and we are thinking about how to present it in this forum as a permanent documentation.
To copy the Naval History into pdf would take even longer than 1000 hours
I realize some folks look at the list and think I ain't go time for this going through post by post. I just want to make a nice lap joint on the corner.
yes don there is a lot of room for improving the hobby and getting information, the problem has been from the start and still is the labor involved.

when i worked in commercial art and was given a project and the boss man came to me in a day or two and asked to see the work, and i tell him "gee wiz boss you see i just did not have the time you know stuff came up and well blah blah blah" the boss will reply " sure no problem i understand having no time, as a matter of fact sorry to say i could not find the time to write you out a pay check"

sure we can hire people to go through 49,000 posts and search out and edit hints and tips and information and expect results because they are being paid to do that.
BUT we do not have such a staff nor afford to hire one and the people who do make up a staff are doing the best they can.