It'll Do

May 29, 2020
There's a furniture store here in Houston called It'll Do. I have often mused and wondered if that name has worked out for the owners.
Building and working on model ships I'm aware that I'm not as good or detailed as most of the people who post on the website. Sometimes I make compromises or shortcuts and think that my little compromise or shortcut will be OK. It'll do.
After spending time, effort, and energy on my compromise, I sit back and look at my result. Often I realize that my compromise or shortcut wasn't OK. So I have to undo and redo which, of course, takes more time than doing it right in the first plase.
Right now I'm working on Dusek Mamili's Puritan Coppa America 1885. I decided to differentiate between the standing rigging (black) and the running rigging (tan). Working on the standing rigging I ran out of the black cord I was using so just thought I'd compromise using a smaller cord to continue rather than jumping in the car or going online to get more of the cord I needed. Several hours and efforts later application and sat back to look wonderful results of many hours of work.
My change in cord size jumped out at me. No way could I keep it that way.
So the task will be to undo all the smaller cord work, get some of the original cord, and redo the work. (If threre's any good news it's that it will be a little easer since I've already done the work once).
And maybe learned a lesson.
Jim Lyon
I always remind myself, the amount of time to do it right is nothing compared to the years this ship will be looked at in the future. (Even after I'm gone).
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Perseverance is the modelers friend.