As mentioned in my build log of the BN, I was looking for the dimensions for the stays and lifts.
Not necessarily for the 'adsolute values' but for the dimensions in relation to each other.
L.B. Jenson has made an overview in The Saga on page 20 "Standing and Running Rigging Schedule & Block List".
Because I had put different values in an excel file, I processed the whole list right away. And will share it here.
I needed a magnifying glass to read the fine print. My Admiral couldn't resist taking a picture:

In the attached excel list I have included 3 tabs:
-Standing Rigging
-Running Rigging
Explanation of the structure:
Standing Rigging tab:

In the columns:
A/B: Amount+Name of the line
C: (length) and I (diameter) the values stated by Jenson in Feet and Inch, O = explanation
D and J: Converted to 1:1 in meters
E+F and K+L: Converted to 1:64 inch+cm/mm
G+H and M+N: Converted to 1:72 inch+cm/mm
Because the length is not interesting, a follow-up with the diameters:
Comparison between Jenson and Lankford:

Q+U: taken from columns K (1:64 inch)+M (1:72 inch)
R: Lankford values in 1:64 inch
S+T: Converted to 1:64 Mm
V: Converted to 1:72 inch
W+X: Converted to 1:72mm
Running Rigging tab: (Jenson only for now)

Similar columns to Standing rigging
Blocks tab: (Jenson only for now)

A/B: Name of the block
C: specification
D: amount of blocks
E: type of block
F: The value reported by Jenson
G: Converted to 1:1 cm
H+I: Converted to 1:64 inch+mm
J+K: Converted to 1:72 inch+mm
L: further specification of the block type
As soon as I have time+energy again, I will add the Lankford values to 'Running Rigging' and 'Block List'.
The now attached excel list has version number V1-01. If there is an addition, the new file will receive a new version number.
Let me know in a PM Conversation if you find a mistake. Entering quite a lot. A typing error can be made quickly.
And perhaps later the measurements of the masts, booms, gaffs etc.
Februari 20th 2023, 11:13:
Updated the list with version V1-04-03.
There was an error in the formula on the 'Mast-Boom-Gaff' tab, column H.
PS: See also post #13
Regards, Peter
Not necessarily for the 'adsolute values' but for the dimensions in relation to each other.
L.B. Jenson has made an overview in The Saga on page 20 "Standing and Running Rigging Schedule & Block List".
Because I had put different values in an excel file, I processed the whole list right away. And will share it here.
I needed a magnifying glass to read the fine print. My Admiral couldn't resist taking a picture:

In the attached excel list I have included 3 tabs:
-Standing Rigging
-Running Rigging
Explanation of the structure:
Standing Rigging tab:

In the columns:
A/B: Amount+Name of the line
C: (length) and I (diameter) the values stated by Jenson in Feet and Inch, O = explanation
D and J: Converted to 1:1 in meters
E+F and K+L: Converted to 1:64 inch+cm/mm
G+H and M+N: Converted to 1:72 inch+cm/mm
Because the length is not interesting, a follow-up with the diameters:
Comparison between Jenson and Lankford:

Q+U: taken from columns K (1:64 inch)+M (1:72 inch)
R: Lankford values in 1:64 inch
S+T: Converted to 1:64 Mm
V: Converted to 1:72 inch
W+X: Converted to 1:72mm
Running Rigging tab: (Jenson only for now)

Similar columns to Standing rigging
Blocks tab: (Jenson only for now)

A/B: Name of the block
C: specification
D: amount of blocks
E: type of block
F: The value reported by Jenson
G: Converted to 1:1 cm
H+I: Converted to 1:64 inch+mm
J+K: Converted to 1:72 inch+mm
L: further specification of the block type
As soon as I have time+energy again, I will add the Lankford values to 'Running Rigging' and 'Block List'.
The now attached excel list has version number V1-01. If there is an addition, the new file will receive a new version number.
Let me know in a PM Conversation if you find a mistake. Entering quite a lot. A typing error can be made quickly.
And perhaps later the measurements of the masts, booms, gaffs etc.
Februari 20th 2023, 11:13:
Updated the list with version V1-04-03.
There was an error in the formula on the 'Mast-Boom-Gaff' tab, column H.
PS: See also post #13
Regards, Peter
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