Major design flaw in Occre Endeavour

Jul 9, 2023

's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
I am building 1:54 HM Bark Endeavour by Occre and have come across a weird problem with the transom. According to both Parkin and Marquardt it is not supposed to extend beyond the sides of the ship. Now one could accept this flaw, if it were not for the ludicrous resulting position of the two outer windows. How am I going to solve this? Any suggestions (keeping in mind I am not a master builder)?.


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Looking at Tom's ships on youtube and the Occre instructions I think this mistake is not just you.
I would try a second layer of first planking at the stern sanded to make sense of the transom. Follow your books, don't worry about The Occre instructions too much.
Looking at Tom's ships on youtube and the Occre instructions I think this mistake is not just you.
I would try a second layer of first planking at the stern sanded to make sense of the transom. Follow your books, don't worry about The Occre instructions too much.
Thank you for your input OllieS, but that solution might be beyond my capacities. Besides I also fear it might lead to other complications. Anyway, I think I have found a simpler solution. I will cut a 7 mm strip from the middle of the transom and reconstruct the middle (blind) window. Of course this means I will also have to adapt the brass decoration.

Welcome to the wonderful world of ship modeling! Whether working from a kit, or original plans from scratch, you will end up scratch building or kit bashing. These kits all represent somebody's last best solution or effort at designing a kit as a commercial venture. Something always seems to get lost in translation.
Just because you are a beginner doesn't make you any less creative, imaginative, or skillful than the rest of us!
What an elegant solution!Okay Well done, now we all get to learn from you!Thumbsup
You have piqued my interest. I am "pulling up a chair' and am looking forward to following your progress.

I also am building the same Modell from Occre. Apart from the transom problem, I had trouble assembling the rudder. There was no hole in the stern between the transom and the spars behind to pass the rudder through to the deck above. So I had to drill a hole carefully and accurately through and file the opening to accomodate the rudder. One of the many inaccuracies by the manufacturer. Have a look at my build log.
I also am building the same Modell from Occre. Apart from the transom problem, I had trouble assembling the rudder. There was no hole in the stern between the transom and the spars behind to pass the rudder through to the deck above. So I had to drill a hole carefully and accurately through and file the opening to accomodate the rudder. One of the many inaccuracies by the manufacturer. Have a look at my build log.
Hello Luigisoft. I had noticed your build log and even responded to it once. It is very useful to me. I might start one myself.

I had already located the problem with the rudder. Since it is not functional, I was thinking about simply cutting it in half and install it in two pieces. It will be impossible to tell from the outside. Another dilemma is the position of the rubbing strakes. Occre puts them flush with the waterline over the entire length, which is not correct. Besides the rubbing strakes should not continue over the stern.

As a novice modeller I am learning it is a necessity to always look ahead to spot future problems.
Welcome to the wonderful world of ship modeling! Whether working from a kit, or original plans from scratch, you will end up scratch building or kit bashing. These kits all represent somebody's last best solution or effort at designing a kit as a commercial venture. Something always seems to get lost in translation.
Just because you are a beginner doesn't make you any less creative, imaginative, or skillful than the rest of us!
What an elegant solution!Okay Well done, now we all get to learn from you!Thumbsup
You have piqued my interest. I am "pulling up a chair' and am looking forward to following your progress.

Thank you for the nice compliment. I must correct you at one point. I am certainly less skillful than most forum members - at least for the time being.

I was not familiar with the expression 'kit bashing'. I am glad to know now it does not literally mean bashing (smashing, beating, destroying) the kit, although I suspect that will occur sometimes.
Výborná úprava Palec hore
Túto stavebnicu od Occre nepoznám, ale nedá mi pokoj: buď je chybná stavebnica, alebo chybný návod. Keď vylúčim chybu stavebnice, napadá ma nasledovné: Najprv prilepiť zadný kormový diel s oknami a potom tomu prispôsobiť opláštenie trupu... ale to už je téma, ak je to realizovateľné, na iné modelári... Prosím, daj info, či by takéto riešenie bolo reálne.
Preklad zo slovenského jazyka google translator
Excellent editing :-)
I don't know this kit from Occre, but it gives me no peace: either the kit is faulty or the instructions are faulty. When I rule out a kit error, I can think of the following: First glue the rear stern part with the windows, and then adapt the hull cladding to it... but that is already a topic, if it is feasible, for other modelers...Please let me know if such a solution would be realistic.
Translation from the Slovak language google translator.
Thank you for the nice compliment. I must correct you at one point. I am certainly less skillful than most forum members - at least for the time being.

I was not familiar with the expression 'kit bashing'. I am glad to know now it does not literally mean bashing (smashing, beating, destroying) the kit, although I suspect that will occur sometimes.
Kit bashing: To use a model kit as a point of departure: to radically alter the model kit from the way it was originally planned; To use the parts supplied in a model kit in order to create something entirely different from what was originally intended by the model kit designer and manufacturers.
A methodology often necessitated due to the poor quality and inaccuracy of plans, instructions and parts of any given model kit. ;)
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Excellent editing :)
I don't know this kit from Occre, but it gives me no peace: either the kit is faulty or the instructions are faulty. When I rule out a kit error, I can think of the following: First glue the rear stern part with the windows, and then adapt the hull cladding to it... but that is already a topic, if it is feasible, for other modelers...Please let me know if such a solution would be realistic.
Translation from the Slovak language google translator.
The image below from the instructions clearly show the transom sticking out over the sides of the hull. So obviously this is how it's supposed to be according to Occre. Adapting the hull at the stern - by adding planking e.g. - will unavoidably result in increasing the width of the bullwarks, which in itself will trigger a whole array of other problems. Besides, the shape (streamline) of the hull will be affected considerably. The nicest solution would be to jigsaw a new transom, redesigned in such a way that the top brass decoration can be left unaltered.

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Obrázok nižšie z návodu jasne ukazuje priečku vyčnievajúcu cez boky trupu. Takže očividne to tak má byť podľa Occre. Prispôsobenie trupu na korme - napríklad pridaním dlaždíc - nevyhnutne povedie k zväčšeniu šírky ochranných valov, čo samo osebe vyvolá celý rad ďalších problémov. Okrem toho bude značne ovplyvnený tvar (prúdnica) trupu. Najkrajším riešením by bolo narezať nový priečny nosník, prerobený tak, aby vrchná mosadzná dekorácia zostala nezmenená.

View attachment 392777
Thank you for your input OllieS, but that solution might be beyond my capacities. Besides I also fear it might lead to other complications. Anyway, I think I have found a simpler solution. I will cut a 7 mm strip from the middle of the transom and reconstruct the middle (blind) window. Of course this means I will also have to adapt the brass decoration.

View attachment 391872
I have only spotted this after reading your report, I'm already well past this part of the build, I can't believe it, such a big error on Occre part! Your solution is a great idea but maybe leave out the middle window as I believe this is not on the original Endeavour!