maristella santa maria

Hi jlgully1, I have not built this particular kit but have built several of their kits. From the smallest(the Optimist) to the largest the Stefano(not yet finished) and found them to be of excellent quality and fun to build.
MarisStella has had a Santa Maria kit for sometime now but this kit has been totally revised and updated. New instructions, drawings and plans are just some of the changes. The kit now has photo etched blocks, for some of the uses, that are a work of art in themselves.I have some of these blocks and was just amazed how realistic they look when painted or blackened. I also have a set of the plans which are extremely detailed and are very easy to understand. The new instructions are very informative and include lots of 3d isometric drawings to help you with your build.
I do not think you would be disappointed buying this kit. Start a build log here and I can guarantee that not only myself but many others here will be more than willing to help you out