the reason i am asking is this has to do with an up coming project
the plan you are looking at is by John Stevens of the General Hunter with the dimension of 54 feet on the keel. But the wreck identified as the General Hunter states the over all length of the wreck is 53 feet 10 inches just 2 inches short of the 54 foot keel measurement.
so when the wreck is overlaid on Stevens plans it is far from a match
could the 54 feet on the plans really mean overall?
something is odd and so far i can not find any official records as to exactly what the dimensions of the General Hunter are. The GH was taken as a prize by the americans and after the war it was sold and used as a private vessel and at this point is where the research goes cold..
Seems as the wreck lenght at excavation 53' 10" was the lenght of the remaining part of the hull.
But I think also 'lenght of keel' has been used in old times as kind of tonnage. Something like lenght of deck minus 3/5 breath
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