Mythical sea creatures research. .

Just imagine, for a moment, having that kind of skill and ability to carve such beautiful works with your own hands.
It's not hard to imagine. I took a course in carving a few years ago- before starting the course I thought it was all about natural talent.
But later discovered that talent is only a small part of carving.
There is a entire learning curve about understanding the wood grain, knowing the tools, keeping them sharp, holding the tool, and finally cutting the artwork.
With enough practice and some good lessons you could be carving those stands in no time.
I used to subscribe to this online school: with some exceptionally good videos from a real pro.
Hallo Hartmut,
I was at this time together with Daniel alias dafi in Rochefort - so do we know each other?
Hallo Uwe,
no, unfortunately not. This was before my time in our german forum. But I wish I had been there. When I posted this picture, I just wanted to show the purpose of this sculpture. I hope I haven't disregarded any copyrights. :oops: