Very interesting project. After observing the painting, the man in the white robe standing near the stern stood out to me. He appeared to me to be a priest giving his blessing and prayers to the Spanish combatants in the midst of battle. Behind him is a white flag depicting the Crucifixion of Christ. It wasn't until after interpreting it this way this did I read your thoughts about the lack of Christian motifs in the painting. Your thoughts on who the man in white is or represents would be appreciated.
Un aspecto curioso de la decoración de la galera, es su total falta de motivos y temas religiosos cristianos. Curiosamente, la batalla de Lepanto es un símbolo de la lucha entre el Cristianismo y el Islam y sería de esperar que el buque insignia de D. Juan de Austria, hermano de Felipe II fuera un despliegue de simbología cristiana y católica. Esto no ocurre, Trento no había todavía se había impuesto y la decoración es rabiosamente renacentista, enteramente de tema mitológico sin, practicamente, referencia alguna al catolicismo o al cristianismo.

A curious aspect of the decoration of the galley, is its total lack of Christian religious motifs and themes. Interestingly, the Battle of Lepanto is a symbol of the struggle between Christianity and Islam and it would be expected that the flagship of D. John of Austria, brother of Philip II, would be a display of Christian and Catholic symbology. This does not happen, Trento had not yet imposed and the decoration is rabidly Renaissance, entirely of mythological theme without, practically, any reference to Catholicism or Christianity.
Very interesting project. After observing the painting, the man in the white robe standing near the stern stood out to me. He appeared to me to be a priest giving his blessing and prayers to the Spanish combatants in the midst of battle. Behind him is a white flag depicting the Crucifixion of Christ. It wasn't until after interpreting it this way this did I read your thoughts about the lack of Christian motifs in the painting. Your thoughts on who the man in white is or represents would be appreciated.
Indeed, the figure in white is a priest, specifically a Dominican friar. It is documented that before the battle the priests imparted the blessing. Obvious given the religious fervor that motivated both sides in battle. On the other hand, in all the Spanish galleys there was a religious. The banners in this painting are not correct, they are represented in white when they were actually blue (they are currently preserved in Toledo). The banner of the Holy League had a large crucifix painted with the arms of the Pope, Venice, Spain and D. Juan de Austria.
The decoration of the galley is entirely pagan and mythological (there is no doubt from Juan de Mallara's description), however the embarked ones carried their religious images and symbols. Many of them are preserved today.
He comenzado un nuevo proyecto.

Se trata de la Galera Real de D. Juan de Austria en la Batalla de Lepanto.

Hace ya unos años hice la decoración de un modelo que reproduce la recreación, a tamaño natural, de dicha galera existente en Barcelona (España). Hice ese trabajo en colaboración con el modelista Máximo Agudo Mangas.

En esta ocasión, se trata de volver a hacer una recreación de dicha galera sobre bases diferntes. El proyecto es tambien un proyecto de colaboración de cuatro modelistas,del cual yo soy responsable de la carroza y la decoración, del programa estético del modelo.

Este proyecto parte de un trabajo de investigación. La galera de Barcelona, la de tamaño 1:1, se construyó en los años setenta del siglo XX. Es un trabajo de mérito, pero la investigación en los últimos 50 años, ha puesto de manifiesto algunas inexactitudes. Por eso en este modelo vamos a partir de cero, estudiando los documentos contemporáneos, los próximos a la época y los estudios aparecidos en los últimos años.

El proyecto está auspiciado por el Museo Naval de Madrid y de cara al 450 aniversario de la batalla de Lepanto.

Como he dicho, me ceñiré a mi parte que es la carroza y la decoración. El estudio de formas y planos del casco, - buco – y estructuras los ha elaborado el modelista e ingeniero naval Luis Fariña.

En cuanto a la decoración, parte importantisimo en este buque, utilizaré una fuente principal y excepcional del siglo XVI, se trata de la Descripción de la Galera Real del Sermo. Sr. D. Juan de Austria, obra de Juan de Mallara,.

En este enlace puede consultarse, en su versión facsimil de 1876:

Otra obra importante es el cuadro de La Visión de San Pio V, existente en el Museo Naval de Madrid, el cual data del XVII, posterior aunque próximo a la batalla por lo que es una fuente pictorica muy próxima a los hechos y que puede servir de orientación estética importante.

View attachment 214367

google translation:

I have started a new project.
It is the Royal Galley of D. Juan de Austria in the Battle of Lepanto.
A few years ago I did the decoration of a model that reproduces the life-size recreation of this existing gallery in Barcelona (Spain). He did that work in collaboration with the modeler Máximo Agudo Mangas.
On this occasion, it is about re-making a recreation of said gallery on different bases. The project is also a collaborative project of four modellers, of which I am responsible for the float and the decoration, the aesthetic program of the model.
This project starts from a research work. The galley of Barcelona, the 1: 1 size, was built in the 1970s. It's worthwhile work, but research over the past 50 years has revealed some inaccuracies. That is why in this model we start from scratch, studying contemporary documents, those close to the time and studies that have appeared in recent years.
The project is sponsored by the Naval Museum of Madrid and facing the 450th anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto.
As I said, I will stick to my part which is the float and the decoration. The study of shapes and planes of the hull, - buco - and structures has been prepared by the modeler and naval engineer Luis Fariña.
Regarding the decoration, a very important part of this ship, I will use a main and exceptional source from the 16th century, it is the Description of the Royal Galley of the Sermo. Mr. D. Juan de Austria, by Juan de Mallara ,.
In this link it can be consulted, in its facsimile version of 1876:
Another important work is the painting of The Vision of San Pio V, existing in the Naval Museum of Madrid, which dates from the seventeenth century, later although close to the battle, so it is a pictorial source very close to the facts and that can be used of important aesthetic orientation.
Hallo my friend
Hallo Ramon alias @ramonolivenza
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Enjoy your special day
I hope you are well - how about the last project ?
Dear ramonolivenza
happy Birthday Birthday-Cake
you are doing amazing work and details - so much decorations at one place, it's masterpiece ThumbsupThumbsup:)
Good to see, that the model project was finalized and the amazing model found her place in the museum
Many Thanks for sharing these interesting photos
He comenzado un nuevo proyecto.

Se trata de la Galera Real de D. Juan de Austria en la Batalla de Lepanto.

Hace ya unos años hice la decoración de un modelo que reproduce la recreación, a tamaño natural, de dicha galera existente en Barcelona (España). Hice ese trabajo en colaboración con el modelista Máximo Agudo Mangas.

En esta ocasión, se trata de volver a hacer una recreación de dicha galera sobre bases diferntes. El proyecto es tambien un proyecto de colaboración de cuatro modelistas,del cual yo soy responsable de la carroza y la decoración, del programa estético del modelo.

Este proyecto parte de un trabajo de investigación. La galera de Barcelona, la de tamaño 1:1, se construyó en los años setenta del siglo XX. Es un trabajo de mérito, pero la investigación en los últimos 50 años, ha puesto de manifiesto algunas inexactitudes. Por eso en este modelo vamos a partir de cero, estudiando los documentos contemporáneos, los próximos a la época y los estudios aparecidos en los últimos años.

El proyecto está auspiciado por el Museo Naval de Madrid y de cara al 450 aniversario de la batalla de Lepanto.

Como he dicho, me ceñiré a mi parte que es la carroza y la decoración. El estudio de formas y planos del casco, - buco – y estructuras los ha elaborado el modelista e ingeniero naval Luis Fariña.

En cuanto a la decoración, parte importantisimo en este buque, utilizaré una fuente principal y excepcional del siglo XVI, se trata de la Descripción de la Galera Real del Sermo. Sr. D. Juan de Austria, obra de Juan de Mallara,.

En este enlace puede consultarse, en su versión facsimil de 1876:

Otra obra importante es el cuadro de La Visión de San Pio V, existente en el Museo Naval de Madrid, el cual data del XVII, posterior aunque próximo a la batalla por lo que es una fuente pictorica muy próxima a los hechos y que puede servir de orientación estética importante.

google translation:

I have started a new project.
It is the Royal Galley of D. Juan de Austria in the Battle of Lepanto.
A few years ago I did the decoration of a model that reproduces the life-size recreation of this existing gallery in Barcelona (Spain). He did that work in collaboration with the modeler Máximo Agudo Mangas.
On this occasion, it is about re-making a recreation of said gallery on different bases. The project is also a collaborative project of four modellers, of which I am responsible for the float and the decoration, the aesthetic program of the model.
This project starts from a research work. The galley of Barcelona, the 1: 1 size, was built in the 1970s. It's worthwhile work, but research over the past 50 years has revealed some inaccuracies. That is why in this model we start from scratch, studying contemporary documents, those close to the time and studies that have appeared in recent years.
The project is sponsored by the Naval Museum of Madrid and facing the 450th anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto.
As I said, I will stick to my part which is the float and the decoration. The study of shapes and planes of the hull, - buco - and structures has been prepared by the modeler and naval engineer Luis Fariña.
Regarding the decoration, a very important part of this ship, I will use a main and exceptional source from the 16th century, it is the Description of the Royal Galley of the Sermo. Mr. D. Juan de Austria, by Juan de Mallara ,.
In this link it can be consulted, in its facsimile version of 1876:
Another important work is the painting of The Vision of San Pio V, existing in the Naval Museum of Madrid, which dates from the seventeenth century, later although close to the battle, so it is a pictorial source very close to the facts and that can be used of important aesthetic orientation.
Hallo @ramonolivenza
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
I hope you are well and work on a new project ...... ?