OcCre Polaris ( First build project )

Dec 23, 2024

Hi Folks,
I have just joined and have bought my first project, it’s the Polaris from OcCre. I have already fitted and stuck the cross bulkheads to the keel. Not sure if thats what you call them, but having stuck them I see that where the deck sticks down to these bulkheads the keel has a concave profile. Whereas the deck is flat. I have stuck the planks to the deck, successfully and i am in the process of trimming the excess with a Dremel and sandpaper.
Bu my question is how do you stick a flat deck to a concave keel and of course stick it. I have Roket glue which sticks in about 20/30 seconds, so hopefully that should work better than white wood glue.
Do you just have to push hard to get the deck to adopt the curved profile of the keel and then hold it until the glue sticks
Welcome to the forums ! You will get many different answers here and all of them will work. :) I would recommend you use the PVA glue (takes longer to dry) and you can use clamps to hold it in the curved shape until the glue dries. The slower drying glue will give you time to get the clamps on before the glue sets. :)
Welcome to the forums ! You will get many different answers here and all of them will work. :) I would recommend you use the PVA glue (takes longer to dry) and you can use clamps to hold it in the curved shape until the glue dries. The slower drying glue will give you time to get the clamps on before the glue sets. :)
Hello Corsair, Thank you for replying so quickly. PVA glue it is then as I purchased that and have been using it to build the boat up to now. Ah, clamps to hold it down, I bought a selection of small clamps and I have seen others in posts. I will have to work out which clamps I need and buy them.
Again thanks for replying, I will give it some thought.
Merry Christmas
Hello Dennis and Welcome to the Forum....

I, too, am building the Polaris. There is a post somewhere in this forum about using a bunch of #2 pencils and rubber bands to help attach the deck to the bulkheads to create the concaved form. I used this suggestion and it worked great.
Here's the link: https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/my-first-build.13361/#post-352255
Also, I reinforced the deck and bulkheads by applying PVA with a syringe to all the joints from underneath. After the glue was dried, I removed the rubber bands and pencils and continued with planking the deck.
I have an on-going build log although my entries are catch-as-catch can. Check it out and please feel free to ask questions.

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Enjoy your project.
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Hello Dennis and Welcome to the Forum....

I, too, am building the Polaris. There is a post somewhere in this forum about using a bunch of #2 pencils and rubber bands to help attach the deck to the bulkheads to create the concaved form. I used this suggestion and it worked great.
Here's the link: https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/my-first-build.13361/#post-352255
Also, I reinforced the deck and bulkheads by applying PVA with a syringe to all the joints from underneath. After the glue was dried, I removed the rubber bands and pencils and continued with planking the deck.
I have an on-going build log although my entries are catch-as-catch can. Check it out and please feel free to ask questions.

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Enjoy your project.
Hi Henry,
Thanks for your post, a great help. I have already planked the deck and just finished sanding all the edges of it. I have looked at the thread you suggested and I like the idea of the pencils / dowels with rubber bands. But I laid the deck onto the keel and discovered its a substantial concave on the keel and I tried pushing the deck down so that the decks curvature matched the keels. I had to put quite a force on it to bend it. I suppose if I had glued the deck down before planking it would have made it easier, but hey ho, you live and learn. So if you used that method of glueing the deck then it will work for me. Just need some strong elastic bands.
Building up a collection of tools now.
I am enjoying it and glad I discovered this forum, its fantastic
I must check your build Henry.

Merry Christmas to you and yours

many ships have a deck that has 2 different curves to it. It is often concave front to back but convex side to side. This will complicate your clamping a little bit more. You might be able to get a few longer bar clamps in the middle of the deck to keep the center down amidships.
Welcome to SOS Dennis you'll find a wealth of help and information here amongst a great bunch of fellow modellers :)
many ships have a deck that has 2 different curves to it. It is often concave front to back but convex side to side. This will complicate your clamping a little bit more. You might be able to get a few longer bar clamps in the middle of the deck to keep the center down amidships.
Thanks again Corsair, based on your previous message and Henrys message I have ordered some large elastic bands and some bar clamps. I should get them after Christmas.
I am sure I will have more questions as I progress but happy to have discovered this forum. Tons of interesting posts.