HELP! I’ve finished the hull and stepped the masts (OcCre 1/87 San Felipe 1690) and was looking ahead at the rigging plans. The standing rigging I can figure out, but the ‘plans’ for the running rigging have no identifications as to which mast is being referred to. I’ve always heard that OcCre is pretty casual when it comes to rigging instructions but what is provided is borderline ridiculous. Does anyone know what parts are being referred to on the plans labeled E,G, and H? Are they Fore, Main, Mizzen or simply showing one ‘typical’ mast rigging scheme for main, top, topgallant? I’ve messaged OcCre but their customer service is on par with their rigging instructions so I’m not too optimistic. I’m not accomplished enough to free lance it and I’ve already attached all the blocks to all the yards per OcCre’s diagrams so I’m not sure things would line up if I used a generic or ‘typical’ rigging plan. Suggestions?