Opinion request: premier élite choses set Micro-Mark

These one?
I got a set of 5. And they are bad. Not sharp and they break easy. They look fancy, that's all.
I got a set of Aliexpress for 10 euro and they are way better. Look here https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/...our-workshop-present-it-here.2103/post-159588
Sorry for the title, my phone completely mess the orthograph. Should be read as : Opinion request : premier elite chisels set from Micro-Mark.
I am not sure if is still possible to get these, but the best micro chisels I have ever used were made by Mihail Kirsanov. It was a seamless communication and transaction from start to finish even between Russia, albeit pre-invasion, and here in the US. Not sure I am supposed to post his email on the public forum, but if anyone is interested feel free to PM me.
Thanks Allan. I just verified for M-M kit, because Amazon.ca have a deal for the 15 pieces kit at 90$. I had interest for this Price. The one you proposed are really top, but too costly for m y budget.
Have a good Day, IT is a Rainy one here on Québec.
I bought some Micromark chisels. I don't think they're fully dressed when you get them or something or just beveled improperly. i found them a little frustrating but haven't really sat down and sharpened them properly yet. I don't know what the advantage of "titanium" is over tool steel. The tools definitely look cool and they offer a big variety of chisels. When it comes to chisels, undressed ones are either from a great manufacturer who knows the end user wants to do it for themselves or of poor quality. I haven't decided yet on these. No idea yet on how they hold an edge. Price isn't bad but you often get what you pay for.

Dockyard Tools USA chisels are a good investment in my opinion. They start out pretty sharp and take and hold an edge well. Lots of options. I've gotten a lot of use out of one of the basic sets, making and cleaning up mortises, making slots cut with CNC sharper, doing some bigger corrections on fairing the inside of frames, etc. Would recommend trying a single tool or small set to see if you like, given the price.
I have several sets of these Micro Mark chisels and use them all the time. The ones I have purchased have come sharp out of the package and seem to hold an edge nicely. I have found the variety and selection of small sizes to be invaluable. I believe they have been of great use to me and money well spent. I have no skin in the game. I am happy to endorse what works for me. Be it these, or even the cheap sets of wood or linoleum block carving chisels from Michaels. A carver can never have chisels enough in a vast variety of shapes and sizes. (They are like clamps in that respect.)