Pavel Nikitin San Bartolome

Jan 28, 2023

I finished the Slipway this week end. Everything thing went together very well. The platform is extremely sturdy. It’s built like a torsion box so it’s perfectly flat. The clamps were the only things requiring a bit of adjustment. Next up is the C65D6592-E4A9-4399-8424-3EB8E51571E2.jpegC65D6592-E4A9-4399-8424-3EB8E51571E2.jpeg55EA828A-A4ED-4977-8ADC-CFC81B388E62.jpeg95D27000-7C55-40BC-B202-D4F8E7AAB11E.jpeg4ED6E1B7-C471-4F4E-B60D-2424A66122D9.jpeg9E748BD9-1BB3-48D4-923B-3ABE5540A6C8.jpegEF3934F3-82A4-4570-95C7-31412D81FCDB.jpeg5242E2C1-CF79-4616-A98A-00A34B567725.jpeg9AE5A8C6-2BDC-468E-A2DB-7836ECC84142.jpeg6E6661C9-A855-4E8F-8B9E-AD245DDD5F4B.jpegBCF5594F-8FE6-4A7F-9C35-9EA6ED46A588.jpegEAFE85D3-5429-4CCF-8C8F-CC533C2D08A0.jpeg7BC24145-43ED-4F16-A0FF-354B7293588B.jpegE8976CB3-7327-4325-9115-9564777AB0C9.jpeg88E93784-6446-40FB-BE12-ABB42D70986B.jpeg



This slipway is looking very interesting - I am looking forward to hear about your experience during the work on the model
I will be working on the keel this week end and update the thread. Thanks for you interest. If the ship goes like the slipway, it will be a pleasure.
Great progress, looking forward to following your build log. I would recommend you watch Pavel’s YouTube build videos. He shows a lot of little hints, techniques and build steps that avoid running into problems later on.

Thanks Jan. I got a little bit more done today will post some pics on Sunday. It was a little tricky getting the false keel together. The glue was drying Faster than I could spread it. I should have used a roller spreader. And I am a furniture maker and have all the tools to have done it and should have went with my gut. It’s under weights right now. Will check it out in the morning.
Hello everyone. Got the false keel done this week end. It went together rather well. Just be sure to build on a perfectly flat surface. I used a piece of marble threshold cut off from a bathroom project. Needed to do some minor shaping of the lower keel to meet with the upper keel. I also found some errors in the plans. Also just rough fitted the frames and it is a big ship. The slipway is priceless so glad I got it. And it was such a reasonable price. I love the shape of the ship as Well. Next up is shaping and fitting the frames. Glad they laser etched so you now just how to fare them. Any questions about the images please ask.
Have great night and happy building.
I admire you, Jan and others who have undertaken this project. I too considered this one when it first became available however, just too many fiddly bits for me.
The engineering Pavel has built into this is remarkable.
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Hello everyone! Got the first three frames shaped and fitted. The engineering in the kit is great. The lazer engraved frames take all the guess work out of fairing. The frames dry fit are perfectly square.
Thanks for looking.3FBDA3A8-1621-454B-9B3B-CB30F2457A51.jpegD7F9C284-E8A5-4FC6-93CE-33F0BBC71A66.jpegABD503B6-4BAA-4C23-9E7C-C65411ACE9F7.jpeg3D4B4845-CE26-455A-B38C-9601882F5D19.jpegBD1570D7-F4F4-4961-A8DC-5C425BF7282E.jpeg8F961516-4E99-4098-B85C-1020A091DCB4.jpeg83BD12DA-A991-4D63-8917-BF80B935A2F5.jpeg8BB8F64F-9517-49A5-87BD-D5705D85F3B4.jpeg272554C9-8762-4E74-A303-5B9DE65FDABA.jpeg8B467A45-1EA7-450D-A2A9-96F73233885F.jpeg
Been slow progress with spring here. Lots to do outside. Today rained all day Got some work done on the open area were the ladder will be going below deck took some inspiration from Olegs video.IMG_6327.jpegIMG_6328.jpegIMG_6330.jpegIMG_6329.jpegIMG_6332.jpegIMG_6333.jpegIMG_6331.jpegIMG_6334.jpeg