POF La Palme (L'Amarante) Corvette 1744 1:36 (Ancre Monograph) by Tobias


Staff member
Le Rochefort Moderator
Mar 14, 2021

Bayern, Töging am Inn
Hello, everyone. Here I would like to introduce you to my second project, I am trying to build the La Palme, a sister ship of the L' Amarante. I hope that I get a lot of input from you to identify any errors and to fix them. Le Coureur will continue to be built whenever I need a change. Now here are the first attempts in the POF.





Dear Tobias
This seems to be very good start, wishing you success and enjoyment of the creative process. I will continue to follow with much interest and curiosity

Thank you Shota, it's going to be a very slow process and there won't be an update every other day like some of the Lugger. ;)
Witam wszystkich. Tutaj chciałbym przedstawić mój drugi projekt, staram się zbudować La Palme, siostrzany statek L'Amarante. Mam nadzieję, że otrzymam od Ciebie dużo informacji, aby zidentyfikować ewentualne błędy i je naprawić. Le Coureur będzie nadal budowany, ilekroć będę potrzebował zmiany. Oto pierwsze próby w POF.

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Będę z przyjemnością oglądał twoją prace ,niezły początek
Pozdrawiam Mirek
Well...More and more scratch build logs coming daily. It is a great filling and pleasure to advance to the next level of our hobby and make parts according to plans. I wish you good luck, but don't think we let the errors appear on your model. Your work is now under the prithm of our eyes. :cool:

Good luck, you are off to a good start
Well...More and more scratch build logs coming daily. It is a great filling and pleasure to advance to the next level of our hobby and make parts according to plans. I wish you good luck, but don't think we let the errors appear on your model. Your work is now under the prithm of our eyes. :cool:

Good luck, you are off to a good start
Thanks Jim
Bueno... Cada día llegan más y más registros de compilación desde cero. Es una gran satisfacción y un placer avanzar al siguiente nivel de nuestro hobby y hacer piezas de acuerdo a los planes. Le deseo buena suerte, pero no crea que dejamos que los errores aparezcan en su modelo. Su trabajo está ahora bajo el prisma de nuestros ojos.:frio:

Buena suerte, has tenido un buen comienzo.
Es una amenaza?