RAFFLE! Santa Maria (Ships of Pavel Nikitin) 1:48 - NEW KIT

As a donation to the channel, I received one of the new Santa Maria kits by Pavel Nikitin and a building stand. I, however, can't start yet another build as I am already working on 5 at the same time!

I opened the boxes only to shoot the unboxing video which you've seen today. Now, with the support of the manufacturer Ships of Pavel Nikitin, I want to give this kit as a gift to the person who gives the best answer to the question:
"Why do you want to build this model?"
Look for the rules on the channel page in the "Community" tab!


Raffle-Santa Maria.jpg
I actually wanted to comment, but it's not possible. Is it only possible for a certain group of people?
I have way too many kits waiting on the shelf. I shall leave it to someone who needs another project.

Thank you and the company for making this donation to others
Why would I like the Santa Maria?
I have built the small boat, and enjoyed it and would enjoy building the ship that the boat belongs to, I would then have 2 small boats with the Santa Maria.
Thanks for the raffle.
It was in the seventies.
I was maybe 10 years old and dreamed of owning a model sailing ship. Not a toy, but a real model with everything that belongs to a ship.
Then Christmas came and there was a big package under the tree...
A model kit - the Santa Maria!
I was still too young to make a model out of it, but I can still see my father in front of me at the kitchen table - the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, the jigsaw in his hand - this is how, piece by piece, a ship was created! From then on I couldn't let it go. I was forever infatuated with historic shipbuilding.
Unfortunately, this first model did not stand the test of time. Maybe I'll start with my roots again...