San Juan nepomuceno 1:90

Instructions please
Welcome aboard SOS.
Although you may have the wrong information about our forum, we don't distribute manuals/instructions. If you are looking for help to find a manual, you should find a better way to ask someone for help. ;) Provide as much detail as you can so the help will target those users who really can help.
Hi Basilbond and welcome. 1, the text plans supplied with AL San Juan model do not match the photo plans. The hull profile and deck drawings are not to scale. 2, measurements for the walnut timber are not true, ie txt vs actual dimensions. The black and white photo instructions and blurry and some times dark made even more frustration by some photo copy of bent over pages (really professional) I have this model and intended to do a Build Log on this forum but changed my mind after trying to decipher the assembly instructions which to be close to an ashtray on a motorcycle. I contacted AL twice with no initial response but in sending a strongly worded chaser e-mail they responded saying they were working on updated instructions. To date I've not seen any evidence on the AL website. My suggestion is you watch the You tube presentation build by John Aliprantis to start with.
he does a complete series of his build and points out numerous mistakes. Also try Googling
I have to open this link twice as first opening tells me it's not valid. Some good pointers by the builder.
I believe there are build logs in SOS and also on MSW. Just Google and you should find the info. Personally, once I finish the hull I'll shelve it, buy another SJN AL kit and assemble it my way with some scratch building. Good luck, stay cool.
Hi Basilbond and welcome. 1, the text plans supplied with AL San Juan model do not match the photo plans. The hull profile and deck drawings are not to scale. 2, measurements for the walnut timber are not true, ie txt vs actual dimensions. The black and white photo instructions and blurry and some times dark made even more frustration by some photo copy of bent over pages (really professional) I have this model and intended to do a Build Log on this forum but changed my mind after trying to decipher the assembly instructions which to be close to an ashtray on a motorcycle. I contacted AL twice with no initial response but in sending a strongly worded chaser e-mail they responded saying they were working on updated instructions. To date I've not seen any evidence on the AL website. My suggestion is you watch the You tube presentation build by John Aliprantis to start with.
he does a complete series of his build and points out numerous mistakes. Also try Googling
I have to open this link twice as first opening tells me it's not valid. Some good pointers by the builder.
I believe there are build logs in SOS and also on MSW. Just Google and you should find the info. Personally, once I finish the hull I'll shelve it, buy another SJN AL kit and assemble it my way with some scratch building. Good luck, stay cool.
John isn't one I would recommend you get factual information from by watching any of his videos. If you try to correct him or leave a comment questioning a process, he simply blocks you! His builds are only novice amateur and not a good source for accuracy!!!
John isn't one I would recommend you get factual information from by watching any of his videos. If you try to correct him or leave a comment questioning a process, he simply blocks you! His builds are only novice amateur and not a good source for accuracy!!!
Hi there, In my particular case John's videos' are fairly accurate as far as assembling a model per the instructions that come with the ship model. IMHO there are many tubers and presenters that prefer to not indulge in discourse or debate issues. That's reality. As far as historical accuracy is concerned I personally have credibility issues on this subject. What is historically accurate? is it judged by the original plans, The accepted draft, before/after launching, before/during/after sea trials or how the ship looked or represented after a certain period of time or during any particular event in history, etcetera etcetera hence the debate goes on and on. Everyone is right and everyone is wrong. It's endless. I build or rather try to build a model wooden ship within my novice ability and limited resources. I greatly admire to the point of feeling inadequate the magnificence most members present in SOS, I look up to them, observe their work. In saying that I leave the alleged historical accuracy/museum quality builds to those with greater talent, time, machinery, tools, resources and $$$ to be able to achieve their form of perfection.
So, to a learner, someone desiring or interested in becoming a ship modeler, videos as posted by the likes of John etc are of immense value, they always, I believe discover the works of Olha Batchvarov and other great model ship builders. One must always have a starting point. Please don't misinterpret the above it's not meant to be disrespectful in anyway just my humble opinion on encouraging first time learners, wanna be modelers and the creator of many arguments and endless debates the so called "Historical Accuracy" best wishes to you my modelling friend, take care. Cheers.