
What ever the dimension you are using, the scale says one of this measurement equals so many of the same measurement on the real one. Thus 1:48 means one inch on the model would equal 48 inches on the ship. Or one meter on the model would equal 48 meters on the real ship. 1:72 would mean one centimeter on the model would be 72 centimeters on the real ship, etc.
Right. If a ship is 300 meters long. 1:100 would make the model 3 meter long. 1:50 would make the model 6 meters long. 1:300 would make the model 1 meter long.
Actually, let me make a modification to Brian's explanation. In the US, while we do use ratio scales, like 1:64 or 1:48, we will also write them as 1/64 or 1/48.

The other scale system is a common architectural scale and it is properly written out as, say, 3/16"=1'. It is often abbreviated as 3/16-inch scale or 3/16" scale. Some people incorrectly leave off the "inch" units and that causes a great deal of confusion, so it should always be included. So, in this example, it's not 3/16 scale, it's 3/16" scale.
