Sir Kay Round Table class Minesweeping Trawler 1942/45 Scale 1:48 .

Hi Jack, Once again an exceptional build. Can you give me some idea what this type of Caldercraft kit is like, I like the look of their Resolve, not as RC. but just for display. Ken
Hi Jack, Once again an exceptional build. Can you give me some idea what this type of Caldercraft kit is like, I like the look of their Resolve, not as RC. but just for display. Ken
Hi Ken.

The Resolve kit was designed later than Sir Kay and looks a lot better, so what I say about Sir Kay may not apply. Sir Kay's hull and main deck where about the only structural parts of the kit that I used, the rest came as very thin CNC cut ply and I replaced all of it with my own bits made from styrene sheet. The hull (GRP) was fine but not very detailed, ok for a radio controlled build but took a lot of work to improve, i.e.. reshaping the stern and adding loads of rivets. The brass rails where as you can buy in packs from Caldercraft and first class. The funnel, boat and raft where vacuum formed styrene and I dumped them. The white metal parts where a different story ranging from very good (small percentage) to rubbish, most of the rest. Overall the kit may have been state of the art back in the eighties but disappointing by todays standards. From what I have read the Resolve kit is much better.

After your lovely build of the tug Anteo I cant wait to see you build the Resolve, if you go for it.

Hope you are well, best wishes Jack.
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Hi Jack, Thanks for that pretty comprehensive overview. You certainly put in a great deal of effort and I think that you were rewarded with a superb model. Resolve is on my short list for my next build but after Antio I just don't know which direction to take, watch this space. Ken
Great looking ship the details you made are very realistic.

I saw in some posting online where is explained the object on front of bow, but forgot exactly how it helps explode mines.
The Last Post
(well I hope not)

Meant to do this a while back but wasn't thinking. I want to thank you all who took the time to look this log and show your appreciation by adding a like etc. and particularly those who added a comment or two, it's your encouragement that keeps me going. I wasn't joking when I said I have not found a place to show off Sir Kay, and in fact it is still sitting on top of the pool table where the above pics. where taken, and I am getting a lot of ear ache about it.
Now for the hypocrisy! To my surprise I ended up enjoying this build, so I have went and got a Fleetscale hull of a short forecastle flower class corvette in 1/48 scale. And first impression is just how much better the hull is finished compared to how the hull of Sir Kay was. Nice people to deal with too and highly recommended. What I will do with this big girl when I get her built I don't know. In the garden and crewed by Gnomes if 'she who must be obeyed' has her way! On first seeing this hull 'She' came out with another Chief Brody misquote ' Your going to need a bigger house!'


Won't be starting for a while until I do a bit more research and perhaps build Revell's Snowberry to get a feel for the ship type. I got the Revell kit a few years ago as a present and have never as yet opened the box.

Cheers JJ..

Slightly after the fact, but thanks for this whole thread. I just started on Sir Gareth, T227, and your log is really a great help understanding the John Lambert plans.
Jack, where did you obtain details regarding the column of the gun platform and the opening under the deck? I know there should be an opening, but can't find proper information. Your column is logically "coning" upward, but there's still really not a lot of space to get into that opening. It is a weird space anyway (in reality, not your model).
Hi Marco, do you have copies of the 1/96 scale Lambert plans? If so, if you look at the cross sections (59) it shows the column,it does look conical in my build but this is just an optical illusion. the perforated flanges adding to the effect. As for the space, there is in reality enough space for the crew to pass either side. I must admit it does not look pleasing to the eye, almost a desing afterthough. BTW if you need the set of the plans personal message me an address and I will post mine over (bit scruffy!)

Cheers JJ..
I do have the Lambert plans! Thanks anyway. And with your thoughts I’ll have another good look at that area. Worst case, I’ll wing it and just take it from your photo.

About that column and the flanges: indeed. Now I understand. And it’s rather logical.

Thanks ! Great help.