Son of a Sailor

Nov 13, 2024

Good day. I just joined this group and am interested in researching my great great great grandfather, Captain Simon Metcalf(e). He was a very interesting character to say the least. He's rather prominent in Hawaiian history and not necessarily in a good way...but he was a pioneer on the seas. I'm ex-USNavy and did travel to Hawaii and even drove a moped down Metcalfe street in Honolulu lol. My father raced Star sailboats out of Staten Island, he passed a few years ago but left 7 sons and 2 daughters. We're all interested in the family history.
Simon Metcalfe was the 1st American flagged ship to trade sea otter pelts from the Canadian and Alaskan waters to China. He traveled with 2 brigs, the Eleonora and the Fair American both of which I hope are available as models. Interestingly enough there was a group in Hawaii who were raising funds to build a full scale replica of the Fair American. National Geographic had a very interesting article on the plight of both ships and their crew. Simon Metcalfe lost one 19 year old son who was the captain of the Fair American killed for his ship and armaments. Upon coming to America in 1780ish Simon Metcalfe was a map maker and drew the first map of Lake Champlain for the king of England and where I recently bought lakefront property.