Sovereign of the Seas, a reconstruction based on Sheldon O3 design


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Sep 10, 2017

The Netherlands
For ages I already want to build a model of the Sovereign of the Seas and yes I know this is the ship you can all do it wrong. But when John mcKay came with his book I though maybe this is the time to start thinking about it. Unfortunately there are a lot of things I would do differently than he designed it. So for already three years I am collecting data and knowledge about this ship to finally be able to build my own interpretation of this ship in scale 1:48. Building methode full frame.
My idea is to build the model as she was build by Peter Pett with the SB side according the design of probably Peter Pett "the Boston painting" and the PS side as actually build using the Van de Velde drawing "known as the Morgan drawing, allthough not from Morgan anymore" as major resources.

Can you expect first dust next week? NOOOOOOO, most probably not even in the coming 5 years. This is just the start of how I want to do this, how to check and get the resources and how to design the hull shape. I even want to try to build the ship as being build in the 17th century of the resources are clear enough to do it like that.
So next to my current builds Royal Caroline and the Ghost Ship fluyt this will be paper work and lots of reading.

To give you a start of my research sofar I made a time laps of the ship and added the data I have found sofar in the well known resources being Busmann, Sephton and recently McKay. Many resources will follow like for instance Phineas Pett autobiography and many others. Ideas are always welcome.

The time laps you can find in the pdf attached.

Hope this will be a nice project for in the future, some people have shelfs full of kits, I have shelfs full of plans and ideas but hope this one will see daylight in the future.


  • Time line SotS.pdf
    930.1 KB · Views: 267
For ages I already want to build a model of the Sovereign of the Seas and yes I know this is the ship you can all do it wrong. But when John mcKay came with his book I though maybe this is the time to start thinking about it. Unfortunately there are a lot of things I would do differently than he designed it. So for already three years I am collecting data and knowledge about this ship to finally be able to build my own interpretation of this ship in scale 1:48. Building methode full frame.
My idea is to build the model as she was build by Peter Pett with the SB side according the design of probably Peter Pett "the Boston painting" and the PS side as actually build using the Van de Velde drawing "known as the Morgan drawing, allthough not from Morgan anymore" as major resources.

Can you expect first dust next week? NOOOOOOO, most probably not even in the coming 5 years. This is just the start of how I want to do this, how to check and get the resources and how to design the hull shape. I even want to try to build the ship as being build in the 17th century of the resources are clear enough to do it like that.
So next to my current builds Royal Caroline and the Ghost Ship fluyt this will be paper work and lots of reading.

To give you a start of my research sofar I made a time laps of the ship and added the data I have found sofar in the well known resources being Busmann, Sephton and recently McKay. Many resources will follow like for instance Phineas Pett autobiography and many others. Ideas are always welcome.

The time laps you can find in the pdf attached.

Hope this will be a nice project for in the future, some people have shelfs full of kits, I have shelfs full of plans and ideas but hope this one will see daylight in the future.
Well, well, Maarten. Building that ship in 1:48, full frame. A challenge, with the different PS and SB sides! And a lot of carving items. Good luck with all your search.
I am in and stay tuned!
Figuring everything out yourself, making your own plan, building from scratch...... nothing can give you more satisfaction than that.
Regards, Peter
For ages I already want to build a model of the Sovereign of the Seas and yes I know this is the ship you can all do it wrong. But when John mcKay came with his book I though maybe this is the time to start thinking about it. Unfortunately there are a lot of things I would do differently than he designed it. So for already three years I am collecting data and knowledge about this ship to finally be able to build my own interpretation of this ship in scale 1:48. Building methode full frame.
My idea is to build the model as she was build by Peter Pett with the SB side according the design of probably Peter Pett "the Boston painting" and the PS side as actually build using the Van de Velde drawing "known as the Morgan drawing, allthough not from Morgan anymore" as major resources.

Can you expect first dust next week? NOOOOOOO, most probably not even in the coming 5 years. This is just the start of how I want to do this, how to check and get the resources and how to design the hull shape. I even want to try to build the ship as being build in the 17th century of the resources are clear enough to do it like that.
So next to my current builds Royal Caroline and the Ghost Ship fluyt this will be paper work and lots of reading.

To give you a start of my research sofar I made a time laps of the ship and added the data I have found sofar in the well known resources being Busmann, Sephton and recently McKay. Many resources will follow like for instance Phineas Pett autobiography and many others. Ideas are always welcome.

The time laps you can find in the pdf attached.

Hope this will be a nice project for in the future, some people have shelfs full of kits, I have shelfs full of plans and ideas but hope this one will see daylight in the future.
Impressive - wish you the very best.
Oh..Ho..ho...the Sovereign of the Seas... from scratch, fully framed...This is the kinda of project! I will keep an eye on this blog, and yes, Good Luck with your research!
Great project - I am crossing all fingers and drücke die Daumen
and will follow this topic with high interest - POF in 1:48

I guess you have already ordered the 1:48 scale contemporary drawings from the NMM

It will be highly interesting to collect all the available information and discuss the results ....... :cool:
Hi Uwe,

I am sure this will lead to a lot of discussion which is more than welcome.

The NMM drawings will be interesting to compare.
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This project will be certainly one of the great undertakings. With room for much interpretation, I'm sure you will add the "Maarten" flavor to it. It will be on my watch list for sure. My only concern is being around to see it finished if sawdust production won't start for 5 years. Maarten, I'm not a young man! :)
This project will be certainly one of the great undertakings. With room for much interpretation, I'm sure you will add the "Maarten" flavor to it. It will be on my watch list for sure. My only concern is being around to see it finished if sawdust production won't start for 5 years. Maarten, I'm not a young man! :)
Hi Ken,

You are as old as you feel.
Hi Maarten

That is a highly interesting project and it must be a lot of fun to collect and interpret all available information.
The available contemporary drawings already collected combined with the NMM drawings will be a good basis.

Nice to already know your next project so you can divide your attention between the preliminary phase of one project and the actual building phase of the other.

For myself I have not decided what the next project will be. I feel I first have to finish my first project and that will take years, before starting the next one. As a first time builder every next phase in my building process still brings on a new challenge with its own preliminay phase.
You are way past that stage as an experienced builder.

I wish you lots of fun and I will follow it with great interest.
Hi Maarten

That is a highly interesting project and it must be a lot of fun to collect and interpret all available information.
The available contemporary drawings already collected combined with the NMM drawings will be a good basis.

Nice to already know your next project so you can divide your attention between the preliminary phase of one project and the actual building phase of the other.

For myself I have not decided what the next project will be. I feel I first have to finish my first project and that will take years, before starting the next one. As a first time builder every next phase in my building process still brings on a new challenge with its own preliminay phase.
You are way past that stage as an experienced builder.

I wish you lots of fun and I will follow it with great interest.
Haha that's the biggest thread of a model builder, we are allways tempted to start something new creating the danger running projects are not finished ROTF.
I think I asked McKay about the SotS plans. Last I recall they were very expensive. Something like $400. Maarten, without asking the exact price, is my understanding close? I too was looking at these about 3 years ago at the same time I was asking him about his Victory plans.
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There esixt also a real interesting reconstruction which was published by a member of the Arbeitskreis historischer Schiffsbau in German.

I guess you have already ordered the 1:48 scale contemporary drawings from the NMM[0]=Sovereign of the Seas (1637)

These are not contemporary drawings of the ship. This are old reconstructions.

Years ago I dreamed also to build a model of the SotS. So I will follow your work with great interest.
When you go in detail research you should maybe go through the highly interesting web-page of our austrian "Interessen - Gemeinschaft - Modellsegelschiffe", which is running by our friend Willi Meischl alias @schifferlbauer

Use the small arrows for going through the different pages

Take also a closer look at the amazing model made once by Wolfgang Rotter

and maybe once, when you make a holidays in Vienna you come to our monthly Meet and Greet and discuss with Willi some details
I think I asked McKay about the SotS plans. Last I recall they were very expensive. Something like $400. Maarten, without asking the exact price, is my understanding close? I too was looking at these about 3 years ago at the same time I was asking him about his Victory plans.
Hi Ken,

He is selling these per sheet. I ordered the necessary from him 3 years ago at indeed something like usd 400.
There esixt also a real interesting reconstruction which was published by a member of the Arbeitskreis historischer Schiffsbau in German.

These are not contemporary drawings of the ship. This are old reconstructions.

Years ago I dreamed also to build a model of the SotS. So I will follow your work with great interest.
Yes fully aware this is an incorrect early reconstruction on which the Sergal kit is based.
When you go in detail research you should maybe go through the highly interesting web-page of our austrian "Interessen - Gemeinschaft - Modellsegelschiffe", which is running by our friend Willi Meischl alias @schifferlbauer

Use the small arrows for going through the different pages

Take also a closer look at the amazing model made once by Wolfgang Rotter

and maybe once, when you make a holidays in Vienna you come to our monthly Meet and Greet and discuss with Willi some details
Hi Uwe,

Yes I am familiar with Willi,s and Wolfgangs fantastic work on this model. Already had a discussion with Willi about his work on this model some time ago. These are all additional and helpfull resources.
Yes fully aware this is an incorrect early reconstruction on which the Sergal kit is based.
Hoi Maarten,

I think we are talking about two different reconstructions. The Sergal kit is much older than the reconstruction., which Werner Bruns has done.
A year of 2 back, I was thinking about this build and do all the carvings by hand. And it is still in my mind. Maybe in about 5 years.... :p:cool:

But I stay for a while to my Dutch fleet. There is so much to discover on that. But I like this project and it calls to follow and rethink my wish list for the future.
I wish you a lot of fun and succes to complete this build in the future, and like Ken mentioned, we hope to see the end result.
Or like Spock would say: "live long and prosper"