Tea Clipper

Thanks - They are certainly easier to build than larger ones and I will no doubt still be here to answer any questions that may arise. I don't think I could manage a ship in a bottle though, haven't the skill, patience or inclination to try and juggle things through the neck. I have always preferred the easier options. - Bob
Its a lot easier then most folks realize to put a ship in a bottle if its done the traditional way by assembling and folding mast down then you just pull strings that run outside the neck of the bottle to stand up the masts once up a drop of glue on the line at the bowsprit locks it all in. I like doing them that way but its much more difficult to build the whole ship through the neck piece by piece for me its way more rewarding to do it the harder way even though I curse the day I decided to do it quite frequently during the build. some of the things you have shown me like using wire as apposed to thread will make that process so much easier especially doing shrouds. I'm sure once I get started I'll have lots of questions shoot me a link to your facebook grp Please
The problem with wire is that once it is bent (folding down), it will not go straight again unless it is stretched slightly. I really don't have the patience to put a ship in a bottle. PM sent. Bob