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Test photo size and adding text

Aug 20, 2024

Milton Keynes: UK
1st Test on text and photo size

P1011139.JPGjust found out how to add extra text between photos.
Are the photos coming out the right size or is there a size that works better please let me know thank you.

I typically write my text offline and insert it before adding pictures. I add some spaces where I want pictures and position my cursor at the beginning of a space and add one photo at a time moving to the spaces where I want to add picture before inserting. Before inserting pictures it would look something like this.

A picture would be added into the space above.
If you mean the photos, those can be resized by clicking on a photo so you see the yellow outine. Then just grab on of the little squares on the corners of the photo and drag until you have the size you want.
I typically write my text offline and insert it before adding pictures. I add some spaces where I want pictures and position my cursor at the beginning of a space and add one photo at a time moving to the spaces where I want to add picture before inserting. Before inserting pictures it would look something like this.

A picture would be added into the space above.
Thank you for this I will give it a try