The Canoe project Clubhouse

Looks like you have followed the instructions!

Now to find time to watch!
I took the schoolroom approach by play, pause, make notes, start, pause, make more notes like adding more strips.. . and then following my notes. I still have to learn how to insert text above photos or videos for each one as an explanation of each. . . one small paddle stroke at a time. . . PT-2
Time to come out from behind the rating patch to a former face about 14 years ago but still about the same face including the hairline.
Time to come out from behind the rating patch to a former face about 14 years ago but still about the same face including the hairline.
We need to live in the right region to have access to the Birch trees and other species that are used in this reverse manner from what I thought would be needed but it makes sense. Note there are no seats and shouldn't be as they raise the center of gravity. PT-2
We need to live in the right region to have access to the Birch trees and other species that are used in this reverse manner from what I thought would be needed but it makes sense. Note there are no seats and shouldn't be as they raise the center of gravity. PT-2
The birch needs to be in the right proportions is probably the most important factor. The building sequence is not that important: the canoe could actually be built upside down as well: over a modified form. The bark could be laid onto the shallower station molds (like planking). Then the stations would be separated from the building base, trimmed to a point under the gunwales, etc.... etc....
The birch needs to be in the right proportions is probably the most important factor. The building sequence is not that important: the canoe could actually be built upside down as well: over a modified form. The bark could be laid onto the shallower station molds (like planking). Then the stations would be separated from the building base, trimmed to a point under the gunwales, etc.... etc....
Yes, there were some items that the anthropologist did not mention but I think that he said that the manner in which they were proceeding was not the only one. It may have depended upon the people/tribe doing their own canoe as well as their location in the lands of the people. For not having seen this before it was interesting to me to see the use of local materials. It was also too bad that he didn't go into the pitching sealing process. PT-2