US Sloop of war belaying pin rail locations.

Jul 30, 2020

Can anyone tell me where the belaying pin rails would be on sloops of war that have a spar deck covering the gun deck, but, no cannon on the spar deck? Also how many at each mast location. On a normal spar deck with cannon or carronades, they are placed in three or four locations on the wales between the gun ports with 4, 5 or 6 pins to a rail depending on the distance between the cannon.
Well, well, well, I had all I needed on the Plymouth and did not know it! That is until,in desperation, I began looking through everything I had on American warships. As my 22 month old granddaughter would say "TA DA!" Even the pin rails are there! I knew there had to be head access from the spar deck, and ladders from there to the gun deck somewhere on the main hatch. The construction plans I have of her show the gun deck main hatches to be the same width as the spar deck main hatch and there fore no place for the ladders to seat on the gun deck. Not only are the gun deck hatches thinner, the ships boats rest on them, and not on the beams across the spar deck hatch. Never would have thought of this, nor the life boat arrangement from the stern.


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